Terrain Overlap Not Blurring

I am working on an Overland Map using the "Overland Mike Schley" style and I am having a problem with the terrain not blurring when I overlap them. As you can see from the darker green at the top of the image the Marsh terrain blurs in to the land but the litter green (Swamp Land) does not nor does the brown (Mountain Back). I had them on the same sheet and then I moved them to two different sheets I copied the sheet effects. I have to sheets, one for the Swamp Land and on for the Mountain Back. Both have the same effects Blur Radius of 0.02 Map Units.

Does anyone know what I am doing wrong?



  • Well the first thing I notice is that the blur is on the coastline. That won't affect the terrain.

    The second thing I notice is that it is only .02 map units. You will need to increase that to larger units if you are doing units instead of percent.

    Third, use the list feature to verify that they are on the terrain is on the sheets they are supposed to be.

  • I have been looking at this for so long and did not see that I had them on the wrong sheets. I moved the Swamp to the LAND FEATURES sheet and created a LAND FEATURES UPPER sheet for the Mountain Back and it is working.

    Thank you.

    Royal Scribe
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