Setting Options for Lots of Symbols at Once

I am creating a group of mountain symbols that are to be varicolor, part of a collection, randonly transformed, etc.

I know all that information is set in the Symbol Options screen, but the problem is I created a bunch of symbols before setting the options. So I have a list of symbols and want to avoid having to go to each one individually and set the options. Is there a way to set the Symbol Options for a group of symbols at once?

Thanks for your help!



  • MonsenMonsen Administrator 🖼️ 51 images Cartographer
    edited February 2010
    Yes. In the Symbol manager, you can select multiple symbols (Standard windows handling, hold down the control key when clicking to select multiple). Just select the ones you need, the click the "Options" button.
  • *thwack* That is the sound of my palm smacking my forehead...I was converting to sheets, setting options, reconverting back to symbols...

    Thanks! Sometimes the obvious answers are the hardest ones to see. I definitely would have wasted a lot of time with this one.

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