Why does everything have to be sooo complicated?

There's a lot in this software that is not simple. Why can't I just select something I created, copy it, rotate it, move it, and change it's color? Nope! Can't do that. That would make this software easy to use and very user friendly. I also tried following the tutorial for printing out characters with the character creator and... really?

Do this, prior that, mirror this, explode that, change the color (oops you can't change the color unless you send us an essay where you correctly break down every tiny point of string theory (in the cosmos) and how it relates to sea pebbles become smooth over millennia... on Venus! You know back when Venus had water!)

Oh you can't do that? Well then screw you because you need some special security code we built into the software before you can do something simple like CHANGE THE COLOR!!! The security code is clicking a lot of useless buttons in a certain order but you have to be precise. Click on this button, wait five seconds if the program doesn't crash then you can click on this button. Do this, then that, oh you clicked a half second too soon and the software crashed so do it all over again. Make sure you get it right this time.

Plus this software crashes a lot. I have Windows 10, a 10th gen i5. 32 GB Ram, and a nvidia GTX 1650 with 4 GB Vram. But if I was truly serous about using this software I'd get a computer that runs Windows 98.

So I thought I had a bright idea. I saved my character as a png image. Went into Paint.net and under 30 seconds changed this

To that

After spending two hours trying to do this simple cosmetic change in the Character Creator. Then I tried to paste the mirrored shadow back in to the Character creator... nope! Cant do that, again that would make people actually want to use this software. But I can past it into Inkscape and turn it into a vector graphic there, just not in ProFantasy software... which I thought used vector graphics... maybe. Who knows. What a huge waste of time and resources on my end.


  • RalfRalf Administrator, ProFantasy 🖼️ 18 images Mapmaker

    Hi there! Sorry, if you had a a bad experience with the software. If you are experiencing crashes, plesae do submit a support ticket from your account at profantasy.com, and we'll try to track down the issue and how to fix it.

    We are always open to suggestions how to improve the software, you can do so here as well as on via a support ticket, but please keep it civil and constructive.

    LoopysueQuentenKertis HendersonScottAAleD
  • Let me preface this. This is the most powerful mapping software. It blows all the other graphical mapping programs away.

    With that being said, you cannot learn this program in a day, or a week. This is the university level mapping, while the other programs are grade school. Those are quick and easy to use, but the final product is what you would expect.... glorified fingerpaintings.

    When you put in the time, effort and research to get good at this program, results will follow. Like I tell my daughter, you are not going to be instantly good at something, unless you put in the work. I have messed with this program for about 20 years and don't call myself good to any degree. Then again I have never fully commited to it.

    But I tell you the maps I have created are pretty freaking awesome. And unlike those other programs, no one is going to be able to make a map similar to mine. That is because there is so much depth to change things in a myriad of ways, so maps can be absolutely unique. With those other programs, maps definitely all have the same feel to them....boring.

    Sorry that you want instant results....

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