Accessing the Trace Command
Greetings, all. I'm relatively new to this software but enjoy playing around with it.
I am trying to Trace another object, but many basic shapes doe not come with that option, only certain Draw Tools. The draw tool must have that command embedded in it, but I don't know how to find that or add it as an option to a more basic draw command. Does anyone know how the Trace option works generally and how to access it?
Thank you.
Only drawing tools have the Trace option built in.
Pick your drawing tool, start the shape with the first node, then hit T on the keyboard. Follow the instructions on the command line.
It's important to pick the object to be traced in the middle of the bit you want to trace.
Thank you!
Then, is there a way to add a Trace command to a more basic tool?
Unfortunately, no.
You can however make a drawing tool that emulates one of the basic tools. Just set it with the desired shape, and then set all properties of the tool to use "current properties". This will make it act just like a basic tool, but it will have the options like trace (provided the shape picked for the drawing tool supports it).
I'm surprised there isn't a basic default tool like that built into the system that could be used regardless of the current tool set.
Maybe it's coming in CC4? I am dying to know what the new features will be.
The model in the campaign cartographer product is that each command implements its own feature set. The flexibility of the drawing tools command lets it emulate a lot of other features, but it's a pretty complex piece of code to be able to do that.
Thank you!
Well, darn. Thank you!