Hardin - Folortalin - Zaraogra Island

Here is another Island in the detailed map of Hardin I am doing.

The title is correct - all knights and other nobles have the so-called 'male' titles, regardless of sex, to indicate that this is a FEMALE dominated world. (as the females are SO much stronger in use of innate 'magic' powers, called etherics).

LoopysueMonsenRoyal ScribeRicko Hasche


  • MonsenMonsen Administrator 🖼️ 51 images Cartographer

    I get your point, but if this is a female dominated world where they are the stronger ones, wouldn't they want their own female titles that show that they are a female, the strong sex? Why let a mere male use the same title as them?

    Don Anderson Jr.
  • beautiful map master quenten. I really liked the flow of the island’s contour.

  • @Monsen True, but as I am not using their language, but English, I want to convey to readers that the women have usurped all the male titles, and I think this makes it look as if they are indeed the stronger sex. Black women have the same position as white men had in the world, in various societies, in the 1960's, so the role of black women was about equivalent to that of white men in UK and USA in the 1960's - and so was the role of white men in my world the same as for black women in the 1960s.

    And this doesn't quite lead to a complete reversal of roles, as inheritance laws are very much affected - no need to worry who the mother was, and that is all that counts. So who the father is of little account - and this has large implications for sexual mores, and marriage laws.

    And the price for using etherics is rapid use of calories - so for the strong ethericists, food is a must, and males have a way to achieving status as chefs in the service of the ethericist women. Because, the more powerful you are, the more you want to eat well, not eat swill.

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