Changing road width

I'm using the modern city style from the anual. It has a default highway draw tool but I find that it is a bit too narrow. Is it possible to increase the width in the tool settings? I want to change it from 30 to 120.


  • Two options that I can think of. You can draw a road and then use the Change Line Width function to change the width for that road to 120. Or you can clone the default road tool to create a new one with a width of 120 (but I don’t know how to explain how to do that step by step).

  • LoopysueLoopysue ProFantasy 🖼️ 41 images Cartographer

    I recommend keeping the original drawing tool as it is and creating a copy of it for the new width.

    Open the drawing tool dialog, and click the Advanced button so you get this view (below), and pick the road you want to modify.

    Then click the New button under that list and give your new road drawing tool an appropriate name. In this example I want to create a new road just like the old one but 15 feet wide instead of 10 feet wide.

    When you click OK you will find your new drawing tool in the list. The only thing you have to do now is change the properties so that it really is 15 feet wide rather than 10 feet wide. Do that by clicking the Properties button above the sample image.

    That will open this dialog, where you can adjust the Width Fixed property to 15. OK this action, then save the new drawing tool and OK again to use it.

    GlitchRoyal ScribeEricJ
  • Thanks, the modern road tools makes copies on two layers so I don't know how that works. I look into it and see if I can get it to work.

  • MonsenMonsen Administrator 🖼️ 81 images Cartographer
    edited April 2024

    Anything that makes two entities do it by adding both a main entity and the outline. In Sue's first screenshot above, you can see there are two buttons, "Properties", which lets you change the settings for the main entity, and Outline, which lets you change settings for the outline entity (Which doesn't actually have to be an outline, it was just named like that because that was it's initial purpose)

    When you are dealing with with and outline entities, just change it both places. Keep in mind that the values were probably just a tad different originally, so keep that difference in your changed versions.

    Royal ScribeLoopysueGlitch
  • 10 days later
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