Roborally Game Board Designer

Hi all!

This extra says it's for CC2 - does it work with CC3 at all? If not, will it be updated for CC3?

My friends and I, between us, have bought or inspired purchase of over a dozen copies of Roborally in the couple years, and we're starting to get tired of the maps that come in the box - I was thrilled to see this add-on, but am worried about installing it on CC3.




  • It seems to work fine in CC3. I've used the nifty gradient square tool in CC3, which works just fine.
  • 1 year later
  • Doesn't seem to work for me. I installed to the CC3 folder since I don't have a CC2 folder.
    I was expecting a button like the Map Menu and Dungeon Menu buttons. No such luck.
    I tried making a new map using a Robo Rally template but no new templates show up.

    Where should this program be installed and where in CC3 do I find it once it's installed?
  • MonsenMonsen Administrator 🖼️ 51 images Cartographer
    edited November 2011
    This is just a minor add-on, so it won't add any buttons inside CC3. Additionally, it is written for CC2, before the "new map wizard" was "invented", so you won't find the template listed in the wizard.

    The installer installs all the components to a folder called RoboRally inside your CC3 folder (Assuming you set the installation path there). Just create a new map from the template in this folder, and manually load the symbol catalog also found in this folder, and you are set to go.
  • 8 years later
  • I hope no one minds a bit of thread necromancy. My family and I have been loving RoboRally over the last year and were talking about how great it would be to have new tiles. I thought I recalled an addon for CC2/3 that allowed you to build custom tiles. I've searched through the site trying to find it. I see a couple example files in the Downloads section, but neither appear to be the addon I'm after.

    Any idea if it's still available?

  • MonsenMonsen Administrator 🖼️ 51 images Cartographer

    Unfortunately, this doesn't seem to be available any more. Maybe ProFantasy support has an old copy around they may be willing to send you if you ask them.

  • Thanks! I'll give that a try.

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