Third party add-on for CC that let you 'fly' through the map

Back when I was actively using CC2, there was a third-party product or add-on that allowed you to save a CC2 map, and then open or convert it with their product, and walk around (or fly around, off the ground level) of the map - I believe they released the overland map version, and promised a version for inside dungeons and/or buildings.

Their demo was impressive, and fun.

However, I can't remember the name of the product, nor find any hint of its existance. Anybody else remember this product, and its ultimate fate? I don't think it was 'killed' by Perspectives Pro, b/c it doesn't appear that PP allows walk-throughs of maps - although, if it does, I'll eagerly get it!

Anyway, I'm very eager for this kind of functionality, because it would make putting a map on a big screen and 'walking' players around where they want to go very cool! My next major investment for my gaming room is a 54" flat panel tv and a dual-boot MacMini to show pics, maps, and such on during the game. This sort of CC3 functionality would be icing on the cake.




  • MonsenMonsen Administrator 🖼️ 46 images Cartographer
    You're thinking of "Realm Overseer". As far as I know, that product has been dead for a long time. Even if you were to get hold of a copy, it won't work with CC3 maps without huge updates. While nice, the big problem was that the program only contained 3D renderings of the old standard CC2 symbols. Everything else was drawn as a flat symbol on the "ground". You could define aliases mapping new symbols to the 3D rendering of old symbols, but that does take a bit of work, and of course, means that no matter what fancy map style you use in CC3, it will only be the default style in 3D.
    It also doesn't understand raster symbols and bitmap fill effects, so most CC3 maps end up being basically blank if imported into the software.
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