Why is Custom PAL being used on other maps?
I modified the PAL to add 3 colors to a map I was making. I then saved it and attached it to the drawing. However, when I open up other maps, it now uses that custom PAL. If I create a map, many of them will use this custom PAL Sometimes it won't, but I think that is because the style has a custom PAL that loads with the style.
I was thinking that the custom PAL was only being loaded because CC3+ was just using the last palette. However, when loading up a style that has a custom PAL and then making a new map, then it still defaults to that custom PAL I created even though I am using a completely different map style.
So, why is it doing this and how do I fix it?
When you save a custom pal, it saves a file called fcw32.pal in your CC3+ data directory. If this file is present, ALL maps that doesn't have an attached palette will use this instead of the default palette. So the solution is to delete or rename this file, and CC3+ will revert to using the default again.
Will that mess up the map that I made the custom PAL for?
Not as long as it is attached to the drawing. That embeds the palette into the map itself instead of relying on the external palette file.
But you can also keep it around under a new name, and then manually load it using PALLOAD if you ever need to.
Thanks. At first it didn't work, but I then redid the attaching the palette to the map and it seems to be working now.