Legal considerations

Can someone please point me in the right direction to see the dos and don't for using the supplied new bitmap graphics from ProFantasy in my maps. I know there are new limitations from the CC2 licenses but I can't seem to find them - my google fu is weak tonight.

Shane (papaganoush)


  • MonsenMonsen Administrator 🖼️ 46 images Cartographer
    Here is the licence agreement. Symbol usage is at the bottom.
    Basically, you can distribute maps made with the symbols as much as you wish (including commerical usage), but you cannot distribute the symbol files themselves. Since bitmap symbols are not embedded in the map as vector symbols are, it means that only people with the same addons as you can view the maps in the native .fcw format, otherwise you need to distribute an exported image instead.
    Note that most symbols are downloadable for the CC3 viewer as well so that is also an option for viewing maps in native format without having to buy addons.
  • Thanks! exactly what I was looking for!
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