Community Atlas - Forlorn Archipelago - The Bleakness - Dungeon of the Dragon



  • Path Dungeon of the Dragon to the Lava River

    Left side:

    Wood debris, green mold area with wood debris appears to move out of the corner of the eye, but not when the characters look at it.

    The pits, 1 in 6 chance they are not holes, but mud. Something in the mud will attack passersby.

    Cross the bridge, there are 3 piles of skulls beside the path.

    Wood debris and mold.

    Right side:

    Stalagmites ( on the floor ), trap doors, these pits are holes in the ground. The sizes seem to vary as the characters look at them.

    More stalagmites, a circular tile that will say hello to passersby. Typically its says 'Is it hot in here ?'.

    A crack in the ground, next to the lava pit which bubbles and sometimes spashes onto the path.

    These pits are holes in the ground. The sizes seem to vary as the characters look at them.

  • Path Flame Keep to Dungeon of Confusion

    map: path_flame_keep_to_confusion.fcw

    Exit from Flame Keep basement narrow corridor to this map.

    This passageway widens out to 20 feet wide and 12 feet high.

    Left side:

    solid lava to the sides of the path.

    First tower: all the characters see is a shadow on the ground. No stone works.

    Second tower: stone works, but no shadows.

    Way Point: some broken rock, could have been a small building, or a hand.

    Right Side:

    Sign post: Confusion Ahead !

    Blue area, murky water, could be deadly to drink or wash with

    Way Point: A row of stones marking the four sides of what was once a building.

    Next Way Point: Stones are glowing a sickly green. The longer the characters stay here, the worse they feel.

    Greenish area, smell likes something is rotting.

  • JimPJimP 🖼️ 280 images Cartographer
    edited December 2023

    Dungeon of Confusion:


    entrance path from Cold Keep: Blue water looking cube blocking passageway. roll a d6. 1 or 2, characters go to lower floor when they go through the cube; 3 or 4, middle level; 5 or 6, lower level. There is no physical sensation, but the characters will feel dampness, but not get wet.

    U1 ) Three open pits with spikes, an open pit with a treasure chest at the bottom. A cage. Greenish stone floor.

    U2 ) Cobwebs, no visible spider. Five piles of rocks, greenish stones on the floor.

    U3 ) circular room 20' high. Rough brownish floor. Two grills, movement can be seen below them. An illusion.

    Two tables with a candelabra and a plate of food with utensils. Three hexagonal tables with plates of food. The stone spiral stairs goes up 15'.

    Secret door to the Southeast: push on left side.

    U4 ) Three baskets of apples, a rectangular box of squash, three torches, and a huge skull.

    The south table has 2 books, a roll of metalized cloth ( I call it in my game world shimmer sheen. Worth lots of platinum.) A scroll case, and a possibly magic necklace.

    There are a few possibilities with the skull. 1 ) it just has glowing eyes, and does nothing; 2 ) it cackles when the characters walk in, says loudly 'Beware !' then falls apart into dust, 3 ) Warns 'There is no singing and dancing allowed in the Dungeon ! besides the band is on holiday ! then sinks into he floor.

    U5 ) not mapped.

    U6 ) odd-shaped room. 5 open pits, Three obvious pits, closed. Two tables, one with food trays.

    passageway from Flame Keep: roll 1d6. 1 or 2, passageway raises up to upper level; 3 or 4, passageway goes to middle level; 5 or 6, passageway slants down to the lower level.

    Passageway between U6 and U7 is moldy.

    U7 ) A bellows, 2 anvils, and a furnace. Campfire in all four corners.

    East secret door: push on right side coming into the room.

    U8 ) Six trees, and several bags of grain.

    U9 ) Five rocks with lichens growing on them. Four statues: if asked a question they will point in a random direction, or shrug their shoulders. Moldy floor and passageways.

    U10 ) Two pillars and a statue. The statue sighs, frowns, and shrugs randomly when asked a question.

    Fresh torch on the south wall.

    U11 ) Small ruined building.

    U12 ) Five piles of rocks, 2 pieces of driftwood, and a cold, not burning, campfire.

    U13 ) Stone walls that go to the ceiling. Whispers can be heard coming from wherever the characters aren't in this room.

    U14 ) Empty, but when the characters move, their steps echo.

    South passage to this room, hidden door, with greasy palm prints on right side.

    U15 ) Five chests, 4 open pits, one open pit with spikes.

    U16 ) The stone floor squeaks when anyone walks on it.

    U17 ) Three tables, 3 open chests. Behind a secret door is an unopened chest. That room also connects U17 and U18.

    U18 ) Two ballista, 5 buckboard wagons, two cloth targets and a person as a target for the ballista at the south end.

    bad zip deleted.

    Middle level of the Dungeon of Confusion.


    passageway from Flame Keep: roll 1d6. 1 or 2, passageway raises up to upper level; 3 or 4, passageway goes to middle level; 5 or 6, passageway slants down to the lower level.

    M 1 ) odd-shaped room. Three open pits, one has a treasure chest at the bottom. Three marked closed pits. Two tables in north side alcove. One has plates of fresh vegetables and fruit on it.

    Secret door upper right: push down on the door's location. It will slide down into the floor. Stairs lead downward and goes under the passageway between M2 and M11. Then goes back up to room M4.

    M 2 ) Cobwebs, no visible spider. Five piles of rocks, greenish stones on the floor.

    entrance path from Cold Keep: Blue water looking cube blocking passageway. roll a d6. 1 or 2, characters go to lower floor when they go through the cube; 3 or 4, middle level; 5 or 6, lower level. There is no physical sensation, but the characters will feel dampness, but not get wet.

    M 3 ) One open pit with spikes, one open pit with treasure

    chest at the bottom.

    M 4 ) Identical to U3. circular room 20' high. Rough brownish floor. Two grills, movement can be seen below them. An illusion. The water is slightly dirty from mud.

    Two tables with a candelabra and a plate of food with utensils. Three hexagonal tables with plates of food. The stone spiral stairs goes up 15'.

    Secret door to the Southeast: push on left side.

    M 5 ) Similar to U10. Two pillars and a statue. The statue sighs, frowns, and shrugs randomly when asked a question. One in 20 chance it will laugh at a question.

    Fresh torch on the south wall. Two dead trees in the room.

    M 6 ) Similar to U10. Five trees, and several bags of apples and oranges.

    M 7 ) odd-shaped room. Three water wells, nice clear and clean water. A small ruined building. Dead trees. Five chairs with a green cloth seat. Four small campfires, no wood nor coals in them. A table in the ruins. Three nice wooden chairs in the back of the ruins, they might be worth a bit of money.

    M 8 ) Two curved walls about 8' high. One straight wall, 10' high. Two tables with 6 chairs each. East end; two tables with food plates, and a table with two candelabras on it.

    M 9 ) empty, but if the characters stay for longer than 5 minutes a fog starts out from the walls.

    M 10 ) Anything said in here will echo.

    M 11 ) Twelve dead trees. Some noises can be heard from the trees. Undead birds perhaps ?

    A basket of fresh apples, the table has a quiver with 12 arrows. The torches are fresh.

    M 12 ) Five hexagonal tables. The ramp down goes just 10 feet into the floor, then ends. Table on the right side is an alchemist's table; parchment, a knife, glassware, a green leaf, small tongs, inkwell and feather pen, no notes.

    M 13 ) Similar to U17. One table, 2 open chests. Behind a secret door is an unopened chest. That room also connects M13 and M20.

    M 14 ) Identical to U12. Five piles of rocks, 2 pieces of driftwood, and a cold, not burning, campfire.

    M 15 ) Identical to U15. Five chests, 4 open pits, one open pit with spikes.

    M 16 ) The Fun Room !

    roll a d6. Except for the yelling and whispering, the voices are normal human loudness.

    1. The skeleton says in a loud voice "Please don't step on my tail it will hurt and I will scream !'.

    2. whispered, "please don't touch my tail".

    3. Regular voice; "My tail is of no importance to me".

    4. It says in a normal voice; 'Don't touch my feet or I will dance on you !'.

    5. In a scary voice 'Those wood piles are mine !'.

    6. Crying voice, 'Are you food ? I seem to have lost too much weight.'

    M 17 ) A greenish moving liquid on the floor. An unopened treasure chest.

    M 18 ) A well with some sort of moldy liquid in it. A few dead trees.

    M 19 ) Two straight walls that are 20' tall. Six dead trees, they can be heard to faintly sing.

    East side secret door; touch to open, slides quickly upwards.

    M 20 ) One ballista, 4 wagons, a paper/bale of hay target. No bolts for the weapon. No sign it was ever fired.

    M 21 ) A large pit that goes down 25 feet. A secret door leads to a passageway over to the Ice Cave.

    bad zip deleted.

    Almost done.

    Lower level of the Dungeon of Confusion.


    entrance path from Cold Keep: Blue water looking cube blocking passageway. roll a d6. 1 or 2, characters go to lower floor when they go through the cube; 3 or 4, middle level; 5 or 6, lower level. There is no physical sensation, but the characters will feel dampness, but not get wet.

    L 1 ) Same as U 2, but the rocks are located in different places. Cobwebs, no visible spider. Five piles of rocks, greenish stones on the floor.

    L 2 ) Similar to room U 2. circular room 20' high. Rough mossy floor. Two grills, movement can be seen below them. Something is down there.

    Two tables with a candelabra and a plate of food with utensils. Three hexagonal tables with plates of food. The stone spiral stairs goes up 15'.

    Secret door to the Southeast: push on right side.

    L 3 ) Open pit, treasure chest at the bottom.

    L 4 ) Similar to U 4. Three baskets of apples, a rectangular box of squash, one torch, and a huge skull. Seven dead trees. They whisper. Secret door east side: small brass button the wall near it. Don't press the button ! Push down on the door, it will slide up into the ceiling.

    There are a few possibilities with the skull. 1 ) it just has glowing eyes, and does nothing; 2 ) it cackles when the characters walk in, says loudly 'Beware !' then falls apart into dust, 3 ) Warns 'There is no singing and dancing allowed in the Dungeon ! besides the band is on holiday ! then sinks into he floor.

    L 5 ) Five broken barrels, 3 empty reed baskets, one sheet metal bucket.

    L 6 ) odd-shaped room. four obvious closed pits. Two large empty pools, beware the sharp edges. The latticework lower left blocks access to two treasure chests. Touching the latticework, and it sounds like a gigantic rat's tail has been stepped on.

    passageway from Flame Keep: roll 1d6. 1 or 2, passageway raises up to upper level; 3 or 4, passageway goes to middle level; 5 or 6, passageway slants down to the lower level.

    Secret door Northeast corner, push in the middle of the door. Passageway goes down and under a passageway, and goes between L6 and L2.

    L 7 ) A bellows, 2 anvils, and a furnace. Campfire in all four corners. Mine cart. Two pickaxes.

    L 8 ) A dug out L-shaped cave; Piles of rocks, an ore cart. A few small pieces of gold in the cart. Two pickaxes.

    L 9 ) Three open chests. Hexagonal table has 4 flasks and an open book on it. The other table Has two closed books, and two small piles of silver coins.

    L 10 ) Similar to U10, but one pillar has been moved.

    L 11 ) A row of rocks, a basket of apples, and a box of squash.

    L 12 ) empty, but the mossy rock sometimes squeak when walked on. East secret door leads downwards under the North-South passageway and back up to L 5.

    L 13 ) Empty room, but distant sounds of bats can be heard.

    L 14 ) Five broken barrels that will start rolling towards the characters if they stay more than 5 minutes in this room.

    L 15 ) One chest, 1 open pit, one open pit with spikes.

    L 16 ) After a few seconds, some of these moldy rocks start floating slowly around the room.

    L 17 ) Three broken barrels. A wood bucket with a small red glass bottle in it. No connection between L13 and L17.

    bad zip deleted.

  • Ice Cave 495' x 400'


    Entrance lower left. Inspection of the cliffs by a character with mining skills like a dwarf will notice they look artificial. Some brush that can live in ice conditions, rock debris, sand areas, a broken bridge across the ice filled river. Water flow is lower right to upper left. Two cold water sharks have just arrived, looking for food.

    A broken small keep at the top of the map.

    Lava river 500' x 400'


    Entrance upper right. Looks like a stone bridge crossed the lava flow at one time. Three broken keeps.

    Wood and rock debris. No sign of treasure.

    All done. I think. Please let me know of any corrections.

    LoopysueRicko Hasche
  • My contact with my web host, new owners, may start charging us volunteers for our sites. So if my sites suddenly disappear, you'll know why. I've looked but currently cannot find a similar setup for what I can afford. I currently have 9 gigabytes of files, mysql databases, 18 sites, Textpattern cms, etc.

  • I just went over all of these. It looks like I'll have some different maps for my Tunnels and Trolls site, than the ones I submitted above. I'm tired, so I'm going to stop now before I make mistakes I don't catch.

    22 maps for the Atlas and 24 for my T&T site.

  • JimPJimP 🖼️ 280 images Cartographer
    edited November 2023

    Oops ! I forgot the map between Dungeon of Confusion and Cold Keep. I'm working on it.

  • And here it is.

    Path Cold Keep to Dungeon of Confusion

    map: path_cold_keep_to_confusion.fcw

    The farther the characters get away from Cold Keep, the warmer the air.

    Path Cold Keep to Dungeon of Confusion

    Exit from Cold Keep basement narrow corridor to this map.

    Left side:

    Ice lakes to the sides of the path.

    First Tower: all the characters see is a group of rocks that could have been stone walls.

    Second Tower: stone works, but wobbling shadows.

    Third Tower: glows green

    Way Point: some broken rocks that if put back together form a hand.

    Right Side:

    Sign post: Warm Yet ?

    Blue area, murky water, could be deadly to drink or wash with

    Way Point: A doorway in stone. Nothing else there.

    Greenish area, smell likes something is rotting.

    I need a rest.

    LoopysueRicko Hasche
  • 8 days later
  • There are some problems with some of these maps. Likely first week of December before I can work on them.

    My websites are moving to a new web host.

    I am getting more rest.

  • My forum editing skills aren't working today.

    Here is a re-do of Cold Keep.

    Symbols changed, new map. All I've done so far.

    Ricko HascheLoopysue
  • I'm working on them. But I'm also moving my web sites.

  • Most of my sites I'm moving are moved. I printed out the info Remy sent me. Not shopping tomorrow. Later.

  • JimPJimP 🖼️ 280 images Cartographer
    edited November 2023

    Looked in my .mnu files, they were pointing to the old folders, not the new folders for the CSUAC symbols. Fixed.

    I had CSUAC and CSUAC_2. The first one are the old files. I renamed CSUAC to something else, and CSUAC_2 to CSUAC. And when I looked at Vintyri's website, they mention 2.3... I think I installed 2.1. I'm reinstalling everything at I see blanks in the fscs when I load them. I'm sure its all my doing.

  • MonsenMonsen Administrator 🖼️ 51 images Cartographer

    You shouldn't rename the artwork directories. That will break the symbol catalogs. And, if you use symbols from renamed folders in the map, it won't be compatible with other peoples CSUAC installation, and thus won't work for the atlas. The most recent version of the CSUAC should reside in a folder called CSUAC_2, CSUAC is the old folder for the outdated version.

  • JimPJimP 🖼️ 280 images Cartographer
    edited November 2023

    I had the CSUAC from 2017, the newest are from 2021. The ones from 2017 are the ones I moved.

    CSUAC_2 is the one I'm reinstalling as I have lots of blanks and red Xs.

    Looks like I had 2.1, I've downloaded and installing 2.3.

  • My internet provider must have decided I need to log off. No connection.

    I'm redownloading all of 2.3 and reinstalling. I'm just gonna stop for now.

  • To clarify my earlier post. I was getting red xs before I moved anything.

  • A few years ago a MS update messed up programs I had purchased. I think it did it again, which is why I'm reinstalling.

  • My internet provider is playing with my connectivity. I'm not sure i have a file in my backups I'm trying to download. But Internet download manager is getting it.

    Thanks Sue.

  • Well. Downloading parts my connection stays up. I'm still working on the maps.

  • Extra things going on this week, not sure I'll be able to work on this.

  • JimPJimP 🖼️ 280 images Cartographer
    edited November 2023

    Two maps fixed.

    Text updated, some items removed and substitutes used.

    I did get CSUAC_2 to install.

  • Dungeon of Confusion upper

    Changed some, got some from csuac_2. Changed some text to match new symbols.

  • I have to fix certain maps first. They contain the wrong CSUAC symbols.

  • fixed Flame Keep area.

    Changed horse skeletons to monster skeletons.

  • flame keep basement, text updated.

    I'll do Dungeon of the Dragon last. Might take me a few days next week.

  • Monolith Hill cavern

    I think that is enough for today.

  • JimPJimP 🖼️ 280 images Cartographer
    edited November 2023

    Dungeon of Confusion middle, text and map updated.

    If I have kept track I still have Forlorn Keep and Dungeon of the Dragon left to do.

  • Almost done with Dungeon of the Dragon. Went faster once I did a list on what I thought was the ocean bit. It wasn't. It was 80 gray bmp. Fixed that.

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