Community Atlas - Forlorn Archipelago - The Bleakness - Dungeon of the Dragon



  • JimPJimP 🖼️ 280 images Cartographer
    edited October 2023

    Dungeon of Confusion, Upper level. Note the room numbering, U for Upper level.

    Dungeon of Confusion has 3 levels.


    U1 ) Three open pits with spikes, an open pit with a treasure chest at the bottom. A cage. Greenish stone floor.

    entrance path from Cold Keep: Blue water looking cube blocking passageway. roll a d6. 1 or 2, characters go to lower floor when they go through the cube; 3 or 4, middle level; 5 or 6, lower level. There is no physical sensation, but the characters will feel dampness, but not get wet.

    U2 ) Cobwebs, no visible spider. Five piles of rocks, greenish stones on the floor..

    U3 ) circular room 20' high. Rough brownish floor. Two grills, movement can be seen below them. An illusion.

    Two tables with a candelabra and a plate of food with utensils. Three hexagonal tables with plates of food. The stone spiral stairs goes up 15'.

    Secret door to the Southeast: push on left side.

    U4 ) Three baskets of apples, a rectangular box of squash, three torches, and a huge skull.

    The south table has 2 books, a roll of metalized cloth ( I call it in my game world shimmer sheen. Worth lots of platinum. ) A scroll case, and a possibly magic necklace.

    There are a few possibilities with the skull. 1 ) it just has glowing eyes, and does nothing; 2 ) it cackles when the characters walk in, says loudly 'Beware !' then falls apart into dust, 3 ) Warns 'There is no singing and dancing allowed in the Dungeon ! besides the band is on holiday ! then sinks into he floor.

    U5 ) not there.

    U6 ) odd-shaped room. 5 open pits, Three obvious pits, closed. Two tables, one with food trays.

    passageway from Flame Keep: roll 1d6. 1 or 2, passageway raises up to upper level; 3 or 4, passageway goes to middle level; 5 or 6, passageway slants down to the lower level.

    Passageway between U6 and U7 is moldy.

    U7 ) A bellows, 2 anvils, and a furnace. Campfire in all four corners.

    East secret door: push on right side coming into the room.

    U8 ) Six trees, and several bags of grain.

    U9 ) Five rocks with lichens growing on them. Four statues: if asked a question they will point in a random direction, or shrug their shoulders. Moldy floor and passageways.

    U10 ) Two pillars and a statue. The statue sighs, frowns, and shrugs randomly when asked a question.

    Fresh torch on the south wall.

    U11 ) Small ruined building.

    U12 ) Five piles of rocks, 2 pieces of driftwood, and a cold, not buring, campfire.

    U13 ) Stone walls that go to the ceiling. Whispers can be heard coming from wherever the characters aren't in this room.

    U14 ) Empty, but when the characters move, their steps echo.

    South passage to this room, hidden door, with greasy palm prints on right side.

    U15 ) Five chests, 4 open pits, one open pit with spikes.

    U16 ) The stone floor squeaks when anyone walks on it.

    U17 ) Three tables, 3 open chests. Behind a secret door is an unopened chest. That room also connects U17 and U18.

    U18 ) Two ballista, 5 buckboard wagons, two cloth and a person as a target for the ballista at the south end.

    I may add more corridors and regular doors.

    I may or may not put U5 in this map. I apparently forgot it, and may put it in later.

    I'm currently waiting for a phone call about my vehicle repairs.

    LoopysueQuentenRicko HascheMonsen
  • Middle level of the Dungeon of Confusion.


    M 1 ) odd-shaped room. Three open pits, one has a treasure chest at the bottom. Three marked closed pits. Two tables in north side alcove. One has plates of fresh vegetables and fruit on it.

    Secret door upper right: push down on the door's location. It will slide down into the floor. Stairs lead downward and goes under the passageway between M2 and M11. Then goes back up to room M4.

    M 2 ) Cobwebs, no visible spider. Five piles of rocks, greenish stones on the floor.

    M 3 ) One open pit with spikes, one open pit with treasure

    chest at the bottom.

    M 4 ) Identical to U3. circular room 20' high. Rough brownish floor. Two grills, movement can be seen below them. An illusion.

    Two tables with a candelabra and a plate of food with utensils. Three hexagonal tables with plates of food. The stone spiral stairs goes up 15'.

    Secret door to the Southeast: push on left side.

    M 5 ) Similar to U10. Two pillars and a statue. The statue sighs, frowns, and shrugs randomly when asked a question.

    Fresh torch on the south wall. Two dead trees in the room.

    M 6 ) Similar to U10. Five trees, and several bags of apples and oranges.

    M 7 ) odd-shaped room. Three water wels, nice clear and clean water. A small ruined building. Dead trees. Five chairs with a green cloth seat. Four small campfires, no wood nor coals inm them. A table in the ruins. Three nice wooden chairs in the back of the ruins, they might be worth a bit of money.

    M 8 ) Two curved walls about 8' high. One straight wall, 10' high. Two tables with 6 chairs each. East end; two tables with food plates, and a table with two candelabras on it.

    M 9 ) empty, but if the characters stay for longer than 5 minutes a fog starts out from the walls.

    M 10 ) Anything said in here will echo.

    M 11 ) Twelve dead trees. Some noises can be heard form the trees. Undead birds perhaps ?

    A basket of fresh apples, the table has a quiver with 12 arrows. The torches are fresh.

    M 12 ) Five hexagonal tables. The ramp down goes just 10 feet into the floor. Table on the right side is an alchemist's table; parchment, a knife, glassware, a green leaf, small tongs, inkwell and feather pen, no notes.

    M 13 ) Similar to U17. One table, 2 open chests. Behind a secret door is an unopened chest. That room also connects M13 and M20.

    M 14 ) Identical to U12. Five piles of rocks, 2 pieces of driftwood, and a cold, not buring, campfire.

    M 15 ) Identical to U15. Five chests, 4 open pits, one open pit with spikes.

    M 16 ) The Fun Room !

    roll a d6. Except for the yelling, the voices are normal human loudness.

    1. The skeleton says in a loud voice "Please don't step on my tail it will hurt and I will scream !'.

    2. whispered, please don't touch my tail.

    3. Regular voice; My tail is of no importance to me.

    4. It says in a norm,al voice; 'Don't touch my feet or I will dan ce on you !'.

    5. In a scary voice 'Those wood piles are mine !'.

    6. Crying voice, 'Are you food ? I seem to have lost too much weight.'

    M 17 ) A greenish moving liquid on the floor. An unopened treasure chest.

    M 18 ) A well with some sort of moldy liquid in it. A few dead trees.

    M 19 ) Two straight walls that are 20' tall. Six dead trees, they can be heard to faintly sing.

    East side secret door; touch to open, slides quickly upwards.

    M 20 ) One ballista, 4 wagons, a paper/bale of hay target. No bolts for the weapon. No sign it was ever fired.

    M 21 ) A large pit that goes down 25 feet. A secret door leads to a passageway over to the Ice Cave.

  • lower

    entrance path from Cold Keep: Blue water looking cube blocking passageway. roll a d6. 1 or 2, characters go to lower floor when they go through the cube; 3 or 4, middle level; 5 or 6, lower level. There is no physical sensation, but the characters will feel dampness, but not get wet.

    L 1 ) Same as U 2, but the rocks are located in different places. Cobwebs, no visible spider. Five piles of rocks, greenish stones on the floor.

    L 2 ) Similar to room U 2. circular room 20' high. Rough mossy floor. Two grills, movement can be seen below them. Something is down there.

    Two tables with a candelabra and a plate of food with utensils. Three hexagonal tables with plates of food. The stone spiral stairs goes up 15'.

    Secret door to the Southeast: push on right side.

    L 3 ) Open pit, treasure chest at the bottom.

    L 4 ) Similar to U 4. Three baskets of apples, a rectangular box of squash, one torch, and a huge skull. Seven dead trees. They whisper. Secret door east side: small brass button the wall near it. Don't press the button ! Push down oin the door, it will slide up into the ceiling.

    There are a few possibilities with the skull. 1 ) it just has glowing eyes, and does nothing; 2 ) it cackles when the characters walk in, says loudly 'Beware !' then falls apart into dust, 3 ) Warns 'There is no singing and dancing allowed in the Dungeon ! besides the band is on holiday ! then sinks into he floor.

    L 5 ) Five broken barrels, 3 empty reed baskets, one sheet metal bucket.

    L 6 ) odd-shaped room. four obvious closed pits. Two large empty pools, beware the sharp edges. The latticework lower left blocks access to two treasure chests. Topuching the latticework, and it sounds like a gigantic rat's tail has been stepped on.

    passageway from Flame Keep: roll 1d6. 1 or 2, passageway raises up to upper level; 3 or 4, passageway goes to middle level; 5 or 6, passageway slants down to the lower level.

    Secret door Northeast corner, push in the middle of the door. Passageway goes down and under a passageway, and goes between L6 and L2.

    L 7 ) A bellows, 2 anvils, and a furnace. Campfire in all four corners. Mine cart. Two pickaxes.

    L 8 ) A dug out L-shaped cave; Piles of rocks, an ore cart. A few small pieces of gold in the cart. Two pickaxes.

    L 9 ) Three open chests. Hexagonal table has 4 flasks and an open book on it. The other table Has two closed books, and two small piles of silver coins.

    L 10 ) Similar to U10, but one pillar has been moved.

    L 11 ) A row of rocks, a basket of apples, and a box of squash.

    L 12 ) empty, but the mossy rock sometimes squeak when walked on. East secret door leads downwards under the North-South passageway and back up to L 5.

    L 13 ) Empty room, but distant sounds of bats can be heard.

    L 14 ) Five broken barrels that will start roling towards the characters if they stay more than 5 minutes in this room.

    L 15 ) One chest, 1 open pit, one open pit with spikes.

    L 16 ) After a few seconds, some of these moldy rocks start floating slowly around the room.

    L 17 ) Three broken barrels. A wood bucket with a small red glass bottle in it. No connection between L13 and L17.

    LoopysueQuentenMonsenRicko Hasche
  • The strip map paths.

    route to Ice Cave

    The closer the characters get to the Ice Cave, the colder the air, then the ground gets colder.

    Left side:

    Mushrooms, circle tiles, grates, a demon statue, stalagmites ( on the floor)

    The pits, 1 in 6 chance they are not holes, but mud. Something in the mud will attack passersby.

    Right side:

    Blue area, water with shifting ice.

    The white area, mostly ice, but there is something ,moving under there.

  • route to Lava River Room

    Left side:

    Wood debris, green mold area with wood debris appears to move out of the corner of the eye, but not when the characters look at it.

    The pits, 1 in 6 chance they are not holes, but mud. Something in the mud will attack passersby.

    Cross the bridge, there are 3 piles of skulls beside the path.

    Wood debris and mold.

    Right side:

    Stalagmites ( on the floor ), trap doors, these pits are holes in the ground. The sizes seem to vary as the characters look at them.

    More stalagmites, a circular tile that will say hello to passersby. Typically its says 'Is it hot in here ?'.

    A crack in the ground, next to the lava pit which bubbles and sometimes splashes onto the path.

    These pits are holes in the ground. The sizes seem to vary as the characters look at them.

  • Ice Cave

    Entrance lower left. Inspection of the cliffs by a character with mining skills like a dwarf will notice they look artificial. Some brush that can live in ice conditions, rock debris, sand areas, a broken bridge across the ice filled river. Water flow is lower right to upper left. Two cold water sharks have just arrived, looking for food.

    A broken small keep at the top of the map.

    Lava river

    Entrance upper right. Looks like a stone bridge crossed the lava flow at one time. Three broken keeps.

    Wood and rock debris. No sign of treasure.

    I think all I have left is the strip map from the exit hill down to Dungeon of Confusion, middle level.

  • Monolith Hills.

    600 feet wide. small hills near the monolith, escape route from the Dungeon of Confusion. I'll be making some linear maps for here to the upper level of the Dungeon like I did for the paths to the Cold Keep and Flame Keep.

    From the outside, there is a secret door leading into the tunnel. From the tunnel, there is a metal push plate to push on to exit.

    The user can just pick a hill for the tunnel to be in. Not too sure on the path color. I couldn't figure out effects so it showed up, and looked good.

    LoopysueRicko Hasche
  • MonsenMonsen Administrator 🖼️ 51 images Cartographer

    The user can just pick a hill for the tunnel to be in.

    That doesn't really work for the atlas. I need to place that navigation point somewhere to create the link to the map, so it needs to have a fixed point.

  • Okay. I'll take care of that tomorrow.

  • JimPJimP 🖼️ 280 images Cartographer
    edited October 2023

    Here are the changes. The two darkest trees mark the location of the secret entrance. Upper left corner.

    I just woke up, so I hope it looks okay.

    Ricko HascheMonsenLoopysue
  • Preliminary map; Monolith Hills to Dungeon of Confusion.

    I'm using the symbols for this Annual. The circles are markers for something, and the tower with a line through it are ruins.

    I'm thinking about a method, probably a portal, connecting the two broken paths.

    Brown areas will be sand, the blue is nice clear drinkable water.

  • Map is done, but I ran out of energy typing the text.

    Do I need to make a room map of the inside of the mesa ?

  • I decided to post what I have, and the updated map.

    Underground path from the Monolith Hills,

    to the Dungeon of Confusion.

    Surface, the butte marked has a secret door on the southeast side.

    It opens into a room with a tunnel on one side going down into the ground.

    Left side:

    Widens as it goes.

    The first greenish marker has a sign that reads 'Beware ! Doom Looms !'.

    While the path is smooth, the rest of the tunnel has rough areas and some loose rocks.

    The next encounter is a building made of stone. Sign on it says 'Way point'. As you approach, ypu see no one, but your characters hear whispers. They stop as you get closer.

    Looking the building over you see it is nothing more than a stone slab about 3 feet/ 1 meter thick, with butress like stone on the back of it. All one piece. Looking carefully, you notice outlines that look like they could have been people. Too indistinct to determine who; humans, elves, etc.

    The path branches.

    Left side, left branch:

    Goes past a mud pit that bubbles. The path goes deeper into the ground. It is now 21 feet, 7 meters wide.

    The second info point: A sign says 'Are you sure you want to take this path ?'.

    The path continues as you reach the right side of the map.

    Left side, right branch.

    You find a ruined keep. Well, a carving in the rock that looks like the outline of a ruined keep.

    Standing on it portals the characters, no error no injury, to the ruined keep on the right side.

    Right side:

    I'll continue on another day.

    I'm logging off the Internet, bye for now.

  • Right side:

    A long sloping downward path until the characters get to a split in the path and a ruined keep.

    This ruined keep is a partial ring of stones. Some dust that could have been wood on the interior. It is also the arrival point of the left hand ruined keep portal.

    As they descend into the depths they hear a voice go on and on and on about how much fun it is to be lost.

    ( If they are exiting the Dungeon of Confusion; the voice is sad to see them leave, over and over and over. Until they get to the right hand ruined keep. )

    Left branch; two way points.

    First: sign says 'keep alert !'

    Second sign: 'I hope you can map !'

    As the two paths re-combine; the Way Point is carved out on the tunnel floor.

    The blue lake, from a distance, sounds like something, or someone, is splashing in the water.

    As they approach, the sounds stop.

    The path connects to the Upper Level of the Dungeon of Confusion if entering, or connects to any level if the characters are trying to leave.

    Before I post the zips, please let me know if there are any changes to be made. Thanks !

  • I count 18 maps. Text file will be broken up.

  • Cutaway of the mesa where the escape tunnel from Dungeon of Confusion comes to the surface.

    LoopysueRicko Hasche
  • I'm part way through checking the text. I have some personal things Thursday morning to do.

  • I hope to get the text descriptions completed, checked for grammar, spelling, etc. And start posting zips by Monday

    @Remy, is that timeline okay with you ?

  • MonsenMonsen Administrator 🖼️ 51 images Cartographer
    edited October 2023

    Just do it whenever you have the time. I'll just add them to the atlas whenever I have the time after receiving them.

    Make sure the names of the descriptive text files match the name of the map files.

  • JimPJimP 🖼️ 280 images Cartographer
    edited October 2023

    22 maps, each zip has a like named fcw and text file. I was going to come up with some sort of order.

    But I think keeping the one large surface map, and then each keep and dungeon will work best.

    The overall map area. The Bleakness area I'm mapping. Updated map, text, and zip to include access to Dungeon of the Dragon.

    I have only mapped Flame Keep and area, and Cold Keep and area, on the surface.

    My Internet is being flaky.

    Overall underground plan

  • JimPJimP 🖼️ 280 images Cartographer
    edited December 2023

    Monolith Hills area, cavern and path maps.

    bad zip. Can't delete it for some reason.

    deleted bad zip

  • JimPJimP 🖼️ 280 images Cartographer
    edited December 2023

    Cold Keep area, Cold Keep basement, and paths to Ice Cave and Dungeon of Confusion.

    bad zip deleted

    bad zip deleted

  • JimPJimP 🖼️ 280 images Cartographer
    edited December 2023

    Flame Keep area, Flame Keep interior, two underground areas.

    bad zip deleted

    bad zip deleted

    Looks like I didn't map a path from Flame Keep to Dungeon of Confusion.

    Since I have found the Dungeon of the Dragon map over yonder, I'll make this path map as well. This takes it up to 21 maps.

  • Well, I have the Dungeon of the Dragon off in another folder in my hard drive, so I'm stopping here.

    My apologies, I'm tired. I'll continue posting on Saturday as the Dungeon of the Dragon map needs some work.

  • I found the dungeon of the dragon map and the room description text file. I'm still.going to take a break until tomorrow.

  • Figured it out. I have a surface map that leads down into the dungeon of the dragon.

    So I'll figure out how many maps I have toadd/fix on Saturday. I can get some sleep now that I've puzzled it out.

  • LoopysueLoopysue ProFantasy 🖼️ 40 images Cartographer

    You are a bit like me in that respect. If I have a knotty issue I have to sort it out before my mind will stop buzzing.

  • Yup, it was like 'where did that map go ? It was here just a few minutes ago '.

    Special event in Everquest 2 right now, but I will hopefully have the maps, text, and zips up in the next day or three.

  • JimPJimP 🖼️ 280 images Cartographer
    edited December 2023

    Note: I have no idea on how to fix the Dungeon of the Dragon map. There is no added grid, that is part of the floor bitmaps.

    The Burned Tree and Forlorn Keep 640' x 600'

    map: forlorn_keep.fcw

    A few cacti, some rocks, scorched, and one burnt, tree. Some scraggly bushes.

    Remains of a keep tower, rock debris covering a trap door going down into the ground to the Dungeon of the Dragon.

    The other two trap doors go into small rooms that could have been used as storage, but only contain dust.

    bad forlorn keep zip deleted.

    Dungeon of the Dragon.

    room A ) spiral staircase, down from the surface.

    area B ) 2 pits, and 2 open sided carts

    area C ) odd-shaped room. Large pile of rocks with 4 skeletons hiding behind it. Smaller pile of rocks.

    stone stairs between area C and area D. They don't reach the ceiling 30 feet up. Each step up plays a note of music. The top step plays a crescendo, then goes silent no matter what.

    area D ) Two barrier areas. North one has a chair, a writing desk. a table, and an alchemy set. Behind the writing desk is a secret door that gives access to the 15 foot high ridge. The ridge looks rough from ground level, but it is mostly smooth.

    The south barrier area has a bed, rug, and a book shelf.

    Pile of rocks in the center.

    east door, stone.

    west door, wood

    area Db ) The small rectangular room behind the bed is closed by a secret door. Three barrels of food, 2 sack piles of food. Two chests of money; mostly copper and silver.

    area E ) rectangular room, 5 sack piles probably rotted grain, but it could be fresh. Five piles of wood debris.

    area F ) two tables and chairs with food. Three extra chairs. Wood door from area E into this area. Open wall to area Z.

    area G ) room is partway up on the 25; high ridge, but no door to it. A torch lights the room up, a pile of rocks, and a pile of wood debris. A magic mouth, voice recording, of a voice under the wood that gives moaning sounds. Nothing under there.

    passageway H ) partially blocked by wood debris, it gives a twisting path to area CC. If the characters listen carefully, they will hear whispering, but no words.

    ( skipping the use of I. )

    area J ) a pile of rocks. A torch or lantern light can give the impression there are coins under the rocks.

    area K ) 4 ogres with spears guarding a chest.

    South door; reinforced wood

    West door; reinforced wood

    area L ) a room with a cow and a pile of rocks. The cow looks hungry. The room partially blocks the path to area M.

    area M ) 6 giant ants !

    North door and South door are reinforced wood.

    The passageway that intrudes into this area from area BB doesn't have a secret door.

    area N ) An idol. 4 floor grates. An illusion makes it appear to have a room under the grates and something is moving in there. A fore pit in the southeast corner.

    There are 3 tables: west one has 3 bottles; middle has a sword; the east one has square gold coins. The characters can pick one. Then the other two disappear.

    ( skipping O for an area. )

    area P ) thick walls. 4 ogres protect 7 amphorae. One ogre has a pit on each side as a partial defense.

    area Q ) a pile of rocks, two large skulls on the top. between them is a small pile of coins in the rocks.

    area R ) water is about 6 inches deep. the cracks in the floor are difficult to see. The cage appears to be empty.

    East doorway is open.

    A stone bridge leads out to the pile of rocks. With a row of stepping stones to the south wall.

    The 9 skeletons are humming a happy song. Anything but a compliment, and they attack. They don't like being interrupted either.

    area S ) about 6 inches of water. Seven skeletons on rocks. As any character starts to step into the room, the skeletons will shout ' Nooo ! Look out !'. Then they will stop moving.

    If the characters try again to enter the room, the skeletons will point at the water and shake their heads.

    The pig just eats the cattails in the water. The crack under the water is hard to see.

    North door, plain wood. For some reason it hasn't rotted.

    East and South secret doors must be search for.

    area T ) the water is about a foot deep. a grate and 2 chests apparently floating on the water.

    Three debris piles of wood, floating on the water.

    The table has small square gold pieces on it.

    The rocks are just sitting there, but any character that steps on them will hear 'Ouch ! Don't step on me !'.

    West door; secret.

    South door, reinforced wood.

    area U ) Two obvious pits and a wooden chest at the south end.

    area V ) has 3 piles of skulls.

    area W ) wood piles and other debris. A table with 6 chairs, and plates of food.

    A table with some illegible writing and a chair.

    Everything in this room is floating about 6 inches off the floor.

    passageway X ) intrudes part way into room R and into the wing of the dragon. Could be painful for the dragon. Go ahead, remove the passageway and see if the dragon is grateful. An Ancient Red Dragon.

    area Y ) hidden behind a secret door.

    Three sheep in the east alcove. They are hungry.

    Two torches light up the area.

    Behind a barrier are two fighters and a spell caster. They guard two chests.

    area Z ) Three beds and three carpets. Three shelves of books, some could be magical. A fireplace with two tables with food dishes. Seven chairs, and a chair at a writing table.

    An ogre and two golems.

    area AA ) Two doors at the north end. One secret, one open metal door.

    See the elf house ? Nice friendly elves... But that isn't any elf language they are speaking.

    area BB ) odd-shaped room.

    upper left: two topiaries, that can come to life. And a well.

    below the 'BB": two wooden tables, food plate on one.

    upper right: large cracks in the floor. Could they become a sinkhole ?

    lower left: wood spikes, look like they have been moved around several times. an old campfire to the left of the in use fireplace.

    Three blue comfy chairs. Skulls to the right of the fireplace.

    Two tables at the side side, with food plates.

    Huge secret door to the west end.

    area CC ) two rock piles.

    If the characters look away, then back at them... the rocks will look like they might have moved. Have they moved ?

    area DD ) A passageway/room. Huge doors, two skeletons on the west side, one skeleton on the east side.

    Moving the skeletons on the west side, the double doors open.

    Moving the skeleton on the east side, opens the secret door into area BB.

    area EE ) looks like the shallower rooms with water. But this is a foot deep. The open traps, and skeletons by two of them, are barely visible. And could be a trick of the light on the water, which is cloudy.

    Yes, the characters have to wade through the water.

    South door; reinforced wood.

    East door; reinforced wood.

    area FF ) a stone bridge in a circular room. Three piles of bones on the bridge.

    Two chests.

    The gray water is 10 feet deep.

    The lone torch on the wall is newly placed.

    passageway GG ) secret door at the area WW end, open doorway at area A end.

    location HH ) a pile of wood debris, hides a small lantern and enough oil for 12 hours of use.

    area JJ ) sunken water dungeon.

    Two small boats, and one large skiff. One of them leaks after it is placed in the water.

    Two sharks, and several small schools of piranha fish.

    Note the whirlpool next to the rock with a chest. Don't fall off !

    area KK ) a room with some water here and there.

    Characters will hear whispers, 'Don't drink the water !', and 'shaaaarks ', and 'the treasure could be worth the risk !'.

    stone steps LL ) stone steps that lead out into the cavern and over to area JJ.

    bad Dungeon of the dragon zip deleted.

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