Issue 199

Is it expected that I have two Issue 199 directories in my Annual directory?


  • Jeff BJeff B Betatester 🖼️ 38 images Surveyor
    edited July 2023

    you should only have the Issue 199 - Silverman Overland folder. The installer should install everything in the correct places and make the needed folders.

  • CNYGamerCNYGamer Newcomer

    That's curious. I didn't create either of those manually. It was done via the installer.

  • Actually it is Monkey Frog Overland that you need. The Silverman Overland was released a few days ago. It contained from errors. Those errors were fixed and it was renamed Monkey Frog. That is the new download file. You should uninstall the Silverman Overland.

  • ScottAScottA Surveyor
    edited July 2023

    CRAP. I installed the Silverman Overland one, too. When I deleted it to install the Monkey Frog one something happened and now I get an error message:

    (I installed the Moneky Frog one and still get this error.)

  • Oh, pity I did my map with the Silverman version, then. But it will do as an example of the style, I think

  • ScottAScottA Surveyor

    Fixed! I'd forgotten that I auto-save CC3+ files to a backup hard drive. I had the last three FCW32.MNU files saved, so I just copied the last one into the CC3+ program file on my computer, and all is well! Guess it pays to be a little paranoid with backup files! lol!

  • RalfRalf Administrator, ProFantasy 🖼️ 18 images Mapmaker

    Yeah, sorry for the confusion. I had to rename the style after it had been available for 24 hours or so (entirely my fault)

    You can also just delete the Silverman folders under /System/Drawtools/ and /Annual/, as well as the template files under /Templates/Overland Maps/Wizard/.

  • CNYGamerCNYGamer Newcomer

    Thanks for clarifying, Ralf.

  • Hadn't realised there were problems with this till now, so have just deleted the problem files and reinstalled the issue.

    Incidentally, but as frequently in the past, I find the "Open PDF Mapping Guide now" command at the end of installation doesn't work, and moreover means I can't use Adobe Reader for ANY PDF files subsequently, until I've restarted the computer. It would be a lot better in my view to have the end command be to run the sample map file for the new Annual, from where there could be a link to the PDF instead (as that seemed to have avoided the crash-the-Reader problem previously). This is running everything on a PC using Win 10, and usually otherwise without problems in opening PDFs.

  • Uninstalled the Silverman version and installed the Frog God version.

    When I select the Sea Cutout in the Coastline symbol list I get a error message "No matching draw tool. Trying to load: @System\DrawTools\2023 Silverman Overland\Sea,Default.dto"

    Menus for other tools also have issues. I'll deinstall and reinstall to see if it helps. Silverman seemed to work fine but Frog God has issues for me.

  • Reinstalled the Frog God version and then repaired the Monthly Content. All seems good now. Strange problems.

    Happy 4th of July to everyone in the states!

  • Ok, typed to soon. Everything worked with the sample map but when I create a new map the symbol buttons on the top are missing a good number of symbols in the side listing and the error is: "No matching draw tool. Trying to load: @System\DrawTools\2023 Silverman Overland\Sea,Default.dto"

    The items in the Overland drop down menu seen to have all of the fills and cutouts. One consistent thing in the errors is that the links are still to Silverman Overland.

    Very annoying. Needs to be redone and reissued.😞

  • @Wyvern I use Sumatra pdf reader and I haven't had that problem. But if you are editing with Adobe, Sumatra may not be a viable solution.

  • CNYGamerCNYGamer Newcomer

    Since we're on the topic of installing stuff, when I install a monthly annual and am finished with the process it usually takes the InstallAware Wizard anywhere from 1-3 minutes to shut down after I click that I'm done. I have a pretty beefy computer and a blazing-fast internet connection so I don't think it's either of those two things.

  • Yeah, nothing with computers is ever easy, is it, Jim? 😏

    @Mike Vermilye - I've just done a very quick test new map with my own reinstallation, and am not seeing the problems you've mentioned. However, I didn't do an uninstall, I just deleted the files and folders that Ralf referred to:

    Once I'd done that, I simply installed the replacement Monkey Frog Annual as new.

    I'd suggest going through the three places in Ralf's list, removing both any surviving Silverman AND the Monkey Frog versions, and then try a fresh installation of the new Monkey Frog version of the Annual, to see if that resolves things. Failing that, you'd probably be best advised to contact ProFantasy support (through your account page) - unless someone else leaps in here with an alternative. I am NO expert with computers, so that might be your better option now!

  • A minute or so seems pretty typical for me too; I suspect it probably is what it is. Installers tend to run to their own time-scheme, which is rather different to humanity's...😉

  • LoopysueLoopysue ProFantasy 🖼️ 40 images Cartographer
    edited July 2023

    Interesting. Mine shuts straight away, but I do have the same pdf opening issue as you, Wyvern.

    I use Acrobat Reader, which at first sight appeared to fail to open. But when I tried to open Acrobat with an unrelated pdf it failed to open again. I checked the Task Manager and discovered the relevant number of Acrobat processes were actually running. There just weren't any Acrobat windows showing and no indication in the Start bar that it was open.

    (to open Task Manager press CTRL+ALT+DEL and pick Task Manager from the list)

    I ended the Acrobat tasks by right clicking each one and picking End Task, then Acrobat opened normally, though of course not from the installer since that had already closed at the end of it's process.

  • Yeah, I eventually get an Acrobat error box appear, usually long after I've realised nothing's happening, so it's obviously causing a glitch somewhere. Even clearing the error box doesn't help for me, however, and the only thing I've found that does is a restart (or actually just not bothering to try opening any more PDFs, and then opening Reader again next time I boot-up the PC; if I remember...).

  • LoopysueLoopysue ProFantasy 🖼️ 40 images Cartographer

    Opening Task Manager and ending all the Acrobat tasks will sort it out.

    If you find it tricky trying to hit them because they are jumping up and down the list, hit the Name label at the top of the list to order them by name rather than anything else. They will stay still then.

  • RalfRalf Administrator, ProFantasy 🖼️ 18 images Mapmaker

    Thanks folks, for the feedback. Somehow it turns out, last minute changes tend to be problematic. :P Who would have known?

    I've updated the Annual setup to fix the reported drawing tool issues, and also changed the way the PDF is referenced. CC3+ will start now, with a link to the mapping guide in the map. Please give it a try now. This should simply install over the previous version and remove any wrong/superfluous files.

  • Thanks Ralf. Just done a fresh download and install over the earlier Monkey Puzzle Frog Annual, and a quick test check of a couple of drawing tools and symbol groups suggests all is well. While I found no issues with the drawing tools or symbols after my previous installation, as noted before, accessing the PDF now does work fine.

  • @Ralf

    Uninstalled and installed the latest Monkey Frog style and it looks like everything is fixed.


  • ScottAScottA Surveyor

    Okay, so I downloaded the fixed Monkey Frog and just installed it over the old one. Now All my CC3+ add-on buttons are gone. I own everything, so there should be a whole line of buttons and it's only showing the basic CC3+ button.

  • ScottAScottA Surveyor
    edited July 2023

    ...I checked, now the FCW32.MNU file is missing entries number 420-436. All the CC3+ add-ons. Should I just delete this FCW32 file and put one of my backup saved ones back in again? I don't understand. I have never had this sort of trouble with any annuals or other add-ons in the past.

  • That didn't happen to me when I did the same type of install, I suggest contacting tech support.

  • RalfRalf Administrator, ProFantasy 🖼️ 18 images Mapmaker

    Not sure why this should affect the menu file. Just re-run the latest update (Update 28) - that should fix the menu.

  • ScottAScottA Surveyor

    No, that didn't work. Running the update just got me back CC and DD buttons. So I just deleted the menu file and put one of the old saved ones back in. Seems okay now.

  • You could try running CC3MenuConfig.exe in your CC3Plus folder. It doesn't show a message when it completes, and CC3 should be closed when you run it. But you said things look okay now.

  • ScottAScottA Surveyor

    Oh, I never thought of the MenuConfig. That may have done it. Well, I THINK it's all fixed now. What a flipping mess, though. I'm going to hold off on installing new Annuals for a few days or a week from now on to be sure all the kinks are worked out.

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