help with cosmographer
I am attempting to make a Traveller style hex map, using the Traveller style template for a world. Here is where I am running into trouble though. I want to use the regular overland tools to draw land masses on the hex grid instead of just plopping hex terrain down. I am fairly certain that it isn't working for me due to some seeting with the template. I can do a fractal land mass on the northern half of the map only. If I try and cross the "equator" nothing shows up. Seems a bit weird but hopefully someone here can clue me in to what I might try next.
1) move everything on the "Map Boarder" LAYER to another layer.
2) Draw a box on the "Map Boarder" layer that is about the size of the map.
In my example it is the red line around the outside of the map.
I believe that the hex grid is confusing CC3, but Ralph can explain what is realy going on.
Ok, I figured it out and it does work, thanks! Now I can try and whip up a Traveller map with fractal land masses.
look for CC3-> Symbols -> Cosmographer -> Overland ->Hex.fsc
With snap on, lower right of CC3, these hexagonal map pieces will click into each hexagon. Lets you quickly draw the terrain of an entire world.
Then detail with regular map symbols and colors on a detail map using a smaller template.
Below is one world I created using this method. Shrunk to fit on the forums. I rotatated it so it would work better with the blog I chose for it.
Not much on the blog, but if you want to look it over: Shass There are google ads, but no banners nor popups.
I tried it and the hexagons are covered when I made a polygon landmass. The three horizontal lines for the 'tropic of' and the equator aren't covered. They could be used as guides and then deleted.