Odd "missing bands" in my Fractal Terrain to CC3 Export

Followed Sue's amazing guide (thank you and everyone who contributed to that knowledge!). Everything looked good, but when I exported to CC3 (and before I play the contour recoloring game for hours) I had an issue with "missing" stripes out of my export

The image looks fine in Fractal Terrains (and Wilbur for that matter)

Any thoughts on what might be the cause here? And how to fix? Would be greatly appreciated, thank you!


  • Hide the screen sheet, then click apply.

    See if the two strips go away then.

    If that doesn't work, please post your fcw.

  • LoopysueLoopysue ProFantasy 🖼️ 40 images Cartographer
    edited May 2023

    It looks as if you might have used a map projection other than Equirectangular.

    Check the information you have under the Map Projection dialog. I'm hovering over the button here - second from the end of the row.

    This map is set to equirectangular, which is twice as wide as it is tall.

    If you don't want to use Equirectangular but prefer the projection you have, then we can show you how reinvent the screen, which is the white bit bounding the map used to hide half symbols or textures that fall just outside the visual border.

  • A million thanks. This was exactly what I needed to set me right. I did not have my projection set up correctly (and having now learned about map projections, I have gone down a very very deep rabbit hole related to the history and techniques associated with them). thank you so much for the tutorial, and the help! My world ambitions can finally come alive!

  • One final question, the tutorial makes mention of Wilbur color profiles, however I cannot find them in my installation of Fractal 3+, am I to assume they are only made available with a proper purchase/install of the Annual that the tutorial and assets were originally a part of? Or am i missing some import director somewhere?

    Thanks again

  • LoopysueLoopysue ProFantasy 🖼️ 40 images Cartographer
    edited May 2023

    Off the top of my head I can't say for sure if the Wilbur colour schemes were included with it or not, but they aren't critical for carrying out the procedure unless you particularly want to print a result from Wilbur in one of the available colour schemes. You can still erode your world in Wilbur without using any of them, and you can spend hours of fun making your own as well.

    A word about that hours of recolouring the CC3 map. There is a way of doing it much faster than that was developed by André Frank shortly after the publication of the original annual. This blog explains it and provides the necessary colour palettes:


  • Thanks Sue ! Printed to pdf.

  • Thanks again, I was hoping to do some additional Wilbur image exports, but no fuss, needed a reason to buy the annual anyway.

    Thanks for the updated contour process info!

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