You need to combine them in whatever animation editor you prefer. If you use Paint Shop Pro, you should also have Animation Shop Pro, which you can use to make a gif animation. I don't do much video editing, but I believe most video editing software can import still images, and then you can save them as a movie (format dependant on what formats your video editing software uses)
I just did a spin globe test using Flash, and the FT Pro "Export World--->Spin View Sequence" command, and saved the file set as .jpg (I used 30 frames as a test at 220 pixels). I then opened Flash, started a new flash document, and loaded the sequence of images into the frames (flash seemed to realize the set of images was a sequence and asked me if it could load the whole sequence). Done and done. Now I have a nifty flash animation sequenced spinning globe.
I used the program Animation Shop Pro (it came with Paint Shop Pro) to create my Jhendor spinning globe view.
The problem in FT Pro was originally (IIRC) that producing gif images from an application required a license, which was out of the question. Therefore FT could only provide building blocks to create an animated gif, not the finished thing.
I don't do much video editing, but I believe most video editing software can import still images, and then you can save them as a movie (format dependant on what formats your video editing software uses)
The problem in FT Pro was originally (IIRC) that producing gif images from an application required a license, which was out of the question. Therefore FT could only provide building blocks to create an animated gif, not the finished thing.
Thank You,
Squandered Youth
It's a work in progress.