Map Extensions
I have no idea how I did this.. I got an IM from a friend and I hit a series of buttons I believe and somehow it copied the current map and extended it to make it longer. However, the current canvas size does not support the rest of the copied map. I actually like this new messed up version a lot better. I have no idea how to extend the canvas to support the new copied map, but I will post the file here if anyone could help...
To get more space, the simplest option is basically to just resize the map border itself, or erase it, and draw a new border further out. Just resize/erase everything on the "MAP BORDER" layer to accomplish this.
Note that if you have a background fill in your map, you will need to resize that too.
This is probably the easiest way: First off, create a new CC3 Overland Map (with a new file name) with the new map dimensions you want (8500 x 7000 if those are your new dimensions). Then go into your original map, hide the MAP BORDER Sheet and the MAP BORDER Layer, select Copy to Clipboard (*right* click on the Copy button and you will see a pull down list of the various copy commands and Copy to Clipboard will be on that list) and select the entire map that isn't hidden, set the origin point as where to copy from (0,0), open the new map you just made with the new dimensions, and Paste what you just copied at the origin (0,0) of the new map. Everything from the old map should now be in the new map on the right sheets and layers.
The easiest way to do this is to select the items you need to change (background and map frame are the two that come to mind) and do a Scale XY -- that lets you scale the x-axis (width) differently from the y-axis. So essentially this stretches the frame and background.
Now, I said it's easy, but aesthetically it might no be what you're looking for (the side frames will also be bigger)
As for sending your map to someone, why don't you just attach it to a post in the forum, then anyone who wants can look at it for you.
Last night it kept on giving me an error and that's why I didn't post it..
It's sloppy right now but I can clean it up easy. If anyone could fix this problem I would be much appreciated.
Let me know and I'll see what I can do.
Edit: @jaerdaph: Seems like you managed to post right before I committed mine....
I just created a new map at 12200 x 5600 and Copy to Clipboarded everything over to that after hiding a few sheets like MAP BORDER and the GRID. Here it is anyway for kicks and giggles.