Contour Outlines?
I've created the world I want, and have exported it into CC3 (actually, to CC2 and then converted the file to CC3), with each contour level as a multipoly and contour outlines as separate entities. There's a layer for Contour Outlines, but it's empty. Did I do something wrong?
2d multipoly: color 0 (black) layer 25: RELIEF/CONTOURS
line style 2 (dash) fill style 1 (solid)
line width 0.0000 tag #10221 pen: 0.00 mm 2nd color: 90
Then it goes on to list all the polygons that are part of the multipoly, their nodes, etc.
I did check to see if the outlines had ended up on the same layer as the contour polys before I posted here, but no such luck. I'm hoping to avoid exploding the multipolies. Maybe I could simply copy the relief/contour layer onto a different layer, and then change the properties?
Still, if FT Pro is supposed to export the outlines seperately, I'd like to know what happened, or what I need to do in the future so I can avoid this extra step in map preparation.