Any info on Sysbol Set 3 update?

Will there be a v3 of Symbol Set 3 - Modern sometime soon? I am waiting to purchase Symbol Set 3 until after the new version is released. I would love to know more about product updates and timelines. I do read the blog which has some of this info but more would always be nice.



  • MonsenMonsen Administrator 🖼️ 51 images Cartographer
    I doubt ProFantasy is ready to give us a date on this yet. AFAIK Cosmographer 3 is due before SS3, and they still haven't given any indication when that one will be ready.
  • 19 days later
  • edited December 2009
    I am also waiting for Cosmo 3 and the SS3. I really don't game much in the primitive/ancient type like D&D etc. Most of my gaming is 1920's to future. Except for the occasional Indiana Jones style Pulp temple or tomb, I don't have a use for dungeons and such. What maps I do make are v2 version since there isn't much available for v3 that is not old age.

    Once I have some scifi and modern symbols to look at, I'll take another crack at mapping in v3. I was able to create my own symbols in v2, and I hope we can in v3. But time will tell......
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