Campaign Cosmographer Insert template

Hey folks, been awhile since I made a map and thought I'd download a randomly generated PNG as a template and just draw over it with some of the fancy features that CC3 has to offer. The problem I've had is that while I'm trying to insert the image in Cosmographer the image is either not loading or is somehow invisible. Anyone got thoughts on this? How can I use this quick generated png as a foundation for a quick map?



  • MonsenMonsen Administrator 🖼️ 51 images Cartographer

    Are you putting the image on it's own sheet? Not that this is required, but it makes it easier to handle to avoid for example the image ending up behind the background or similar.

    When you insert the image, do you properly give it two corners as the command line asks for. The two points you provide as corners determines the size of the inserted images, so if you click two points really close to each other when inserting, it will be tiny.

    Also make sure the image is actually a png image. Try to open it in a local image editor or something. Lots of websites does weird things, so you may have accidentally ended up with the html code for the page saved with a .png extension instead of an image.

  • edited December 2022

    Wow, that was a fast response thanks! I've tried to add another sheet just now and hid literally everything else so it should be the only thing I see.

    Made sure that clicked the two points to the size and shape I wanted (IE across the whole map) so it shouldn't be a size problem.

    I've been trying to use PNG as I've had the best luck porting those for use in CC3 in the past but I haven't had success yet. As an experiment, I converted the file to BMP to see if I would have better luck importing that. At first, I was elated, it actually did port in though it was just on a test file without the dimensions I wanted. I quickly opened up a new file and tried to repeat the procedure and was back to square one with the same problem of no image being visible.

    Amendment: I wanted to test the theory that you put forward that weird things happen with some of these imported images so I tried this same thing with pictures taken with my phone. I still have the same trouble.

  • Just a thought, but you ARE using the drop-down menu command from "Draw" > "Insert File" aren't you? I ask, because I recall a long time ago, before I knew what I was doing with CC3, I tried just copying and pasting an image into CC3, and had similar results/problems to what you're describing.

  • Yes, I just opened up and retraced my steps to make sure I wasn't trying to insert using something else.

  • That's a shame! Out of ideas here then - sorry!

  • Perhaps you can use the List command (Info -> List; select all; Do it) to see if the image is actually there (and not visible) or if it didn't get inserted at all.

    Also, you could post your FCW to see if one of us can troubleshoot the issue.

  • Here's the sample map, I've turned off nearly everything to actually make sure its not something invisible. I pulled up the Info -> List (I think I pulled up what you were talking about) but didn't quite understand what I was looking at and for.

  • Jeff BJeff B Betatester 🖼️ 38 images Surveyor

    Looking at the file I see no bitmap image that you would be using in the ,FCW file. Can you post the png and we can help you add it to the file.

  • MonsenMonsen Administrator 🖼️ 51 images Cartographer

    When using List on your file, I found multiple entries like this:

    |PICTR2: color 254 () layer 264 (HULL)
    |   line style 0 (Solid) fill style 1 (Solid)
    |   line width 0.00000 tag # 532547 pen :0.000 mm 2nd color 254
    |   FileName:  C:\Users\Alex\Desktop\08 (player) (1).bmp
    |   Pixels:    14 x 16
    |   Center:    NAN,NAN
    |   Size:      NAN x NAN
    |   Angle:     0.00000°
    |   Flags:     No outline, Resolution info is valid, One resolution only, 
    |   Alpha mode: Alpha channel

    This shows that your attempts have indeed created an entity, but if you look at the size information, you can see it is clearly wrong, as it shows them as NAN (Not A Number).

    Unfortunally, I have no idea why this would happen. I tried to replicate it in your map, but all my attempts at insertion worked just fine.

    I'd like to echo Jeff's request that you post the actual image you are trying to insert so I can try with the same image and see if that makes a difference.

    Also, to try to narrow down the problem, do the same thing happen if you try to insert this image in another map, say a standard Mike Schley overland map?

    When you try to insert it, after placing the first corner, you should see the image stretching out between that point and your mouse cursor as you move it before placing the second corner. Do you see the image at this point?

    Try insert any image found inside your CC3+ data directory, does that work as intended?

  • So I've been trying this off and on and am still confused. I just opened it up trying to replicate my error on my test file and the insert worked briefly. Then I tried a fresh file and it went back to erroring. I don't know why its worked then suddenly didn't work, I can parse no rhyme or reason for any of this. It wouldn't be in the file would it?

    I'm providing the file to see if anyone could replicate this error with the file in question.

    As to Monsen's suggestion that I try and use a file native to CC3, I've just tried to insert some stairs and I'm now having the same trouble.....wondering if I've somehow borked up the whole cc3.

  • I just tried opening the provided FCW and inserted the provided PNG without any problems.

    Strange indeed.

    Just to make sure, are you sure you entered the two corners as Monsen suggested?

    When you insert the image, do you properly give it two corners as the command line asks for. The two points you provide as corners determines the size of the inserted images, so if you click two points really close to each other when inserting, it will be tiny.

  • Jeff BJeff B Betatester 🖼️ 38 images Surveyor
    edited December 2022

    Ok there is something wrong with your file. I was able to insert the png. But I would start over from scratch. Unzip the file below and keep the ,FCW file in the same place as the .png and you should be able to see the drawing. I have placed it on the trace sheet and given it a 50% transparency.

  • MonsenMonsen Administrator 🖼️ 51 images Cartographer

    Did you try inserting into a new map in a completely different style? Still trying to figure out if this is something spesific to that Cosmographer template, or if it a general problem for you.

    Oh, and since nobody remembered to ask this yet as far as I can see, you have installed the latest CC3+ update, right (3.98)?

  • Monsen, I seem to have been running off an older version of the CC3+ software. I just ran an update and now I tried to insert the png. So far it seems to have worked. I'd love the solution to be this simple, I'll piddle around on the software and assure that the problem is cleared up.

    Thank you, folks, your support has been so prompt. I've almost had to run to keep up with all the good posts and responses. If I have further issues I'm happy to know I've got such a good community ready to help.

    Best wishes this Christmas season,

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