Cc3+ text on non cc3+ map versus photoshop?


I was wondering if anyone would care to share their opinion on the following question:

I have a 4 foot x 3 foot hand painted map of a continent. It will be coming to completion soon. Ultimately I think I might want to add things to this map for future projects such as sectioning out political boundaries etc. this would make it a kind of hybrid hand painted and other computer assist stuff on the map.


would it be easier to learn and more specifically to do the laying of text on this map with CC3+ or Photoshop?


what I really like about CC3+ text is that it seems fairly simple, curves around say a mountain range look nice, you can get the glow by selecting it etc.


seems more difficult to use but I can’t say I really know. Could be better skill to use in the long run even though CC3+ maps are in my future?

thank you in advance for any opinions.



  • MonsenMonsen Administrator 🖼️ 51 images Cartographer

    You ask about text, but you also talk about things like political borders and stuff, so it seems like that should be taken into consideration.

    Now, to start, I personally hate PhotoShop, I find it cumbersome, difficult and intuitive to use, and on top of that, expensive. But, there are other image editors out there so I'll not jump to the conclusion of using CC3+ just because I don't like the other option.

    But, you obviously isn't skilled in PS yourself, given that you don't know the difficulty of working with text, which more or less brings me to a conclusion right away, use what you know. If you know how to do things in CC3+ there isn't really a good reason to use an image editor, unless you want to use it more as a training exercise to learn that software rather than use what would be most appropriate for you.

    Considering that both options do allow a layered approach, both can be used for the task, but if you import the map to scale in CC3+ before drawing on top of it, you can also use various tools to do things like measuring length and area, including measuring length along a curved line, which I personally find extremely nice when working with maps, so I would probably pick CC3+ for that option alone.

    The only reason where I feel the image editor may be a bit stronger is making the things you draw on top of the scanned image appear better "integrated" into the image. But this is something that takes skill with the image editor, it doesn't come for free, and you can get a long way in the same direction by using sheet effects.

  • Thank you Monsen!

    correct, I have low skill level in photoshop. Plus I agree with its cumbersome, expensive etc.

    for things like the political boundaries, I would do those as different maps etc. but I like your explanation/opinion. It is essentially what I was concluding but I figured why not opinions of others as well.

    all great points. When the time comes I am going to do it in CC3+ and probably experiment sometime before then.

    ‘thank you again!


  • Jeff BJeff B Betatester 🖼️ 38 images Surveyor

    If you don't want to do all the work to recreate the map for your political boundaries you can easily do the political boundaries in CC3+ with sheets and effects also.

  • That’s what I was thinking. I like the effects also that I see on other maps on these forums.

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