Remove Background Tears

Hi Folks,

After some more help as a newbie. Working with a CC3+ map all the green images in the map should be the same water body/layer for lakes and sea. It looks like its generated rips for some

reason (possibly self inflicted). Is there an easy way to rectify the issue? Many thanks



  • LoopysueLoopysue ProFantasy 🖼️ 40 images Cartographer

    This happens sometimes when the nodes are too close together. You will need to explode the landmass just once, and then type the command SIMPLIFY on your keyboard and hit enter. If you leave the value at zero it will remove any node that is right on top of another node. If you give it a small value it will remove nodes that are closer together than that value.

    Do this to all the little lakes as well.

    Now you can either use the multipoly tool to remake the single mass with holes in it for lakes, or you can add a Color Key sheet effect to the LAND sheet and then change the colour of all the lakes to match the Color Key (usually magenta, or colour number 6). This will cause the lakes to cut virtual holes in the land polygon (providing they are in front of it).

    The advantage of keeping the lakes separate and having just an ordinary polygon as the main land mass is that you can trace the coastline with any fills you want to take to the edge of it. A multipoly can't be edited or traced.

    JimP[Deleted User]db2000Octorilla
  • db2000db2000 Traveler

    Many thanks Loopysue, I'll give this a try tomorrow ;0)

  • db2000db2000 Traveler

    I managed to get rid of some but am stuck on the remaining highlighted line. Right now I have used Ralf's example of changing the border line of everything I want to keep into black. All the green items I need to get rid of. When I choose do it to get rid of the unselcted areas it just turns them white. Any suggestions on how to permanently remove the green bits. many thanks.

  • db2000db2000 Traveler

    I managed to figure it out that I need to refresh after deleting. Thanks everyone for the help the past couple of days, greatly appreciated ;0)

  • LoopysueLoopysue ProFantasy 🖼️ 40 images Cartographer

    I was just writing the same thing...

    Anyway - I'm glad you have it all sorted out now :)

  • db2000db2000 Traveler

    Here is the work in progress. Managed to work out how to create a layer for lakes. getting there ;0)

  • LoopysueLoopysue ProFantasy 🖼️ 40 images Cartographer

    Looking good :)

    You still have a lot of nodes in that coastline and land shape. If the map starts to get a bit slow as you continue to add more stuff, you might find it easier to run SIMPLIFY again on both those things with a slightly larger value than before. You would be surprised just how much of that frilly detail isn't really necessary at continental scale.

  • db2000db2000 Traveler

    Quenten, I'm trying to setup a new RPG world for my group. Eventually I want to cover desert wastelands, frozen and jungle/Mayan style settings. Here are my practice attempts so far while trying to learn.

  • A very nice world with great shape of the continents. I guess both polar regions have uninterrupted cod currents, a bit like the southern ocean on earth.had you thought about adding some subarctic land?

  • db2000db2000 Traveler

    I will add ice caps at the poles yes. But currently working out how to use everything lol

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