Fractal Terrains 3+ Remove Land Mass

Hi Folks,

My first post as I am brand new here. I have watched a video showing land mass being removed from a fractal Terrains 3 map. I am trying to achieve the same to effectively seperate a land mass from the main land, creating an island. My understanding is use the 'Lower altitude of the painted area' button but when I try this nothing happens. In the video it looks like using an eraser, how can I achive this in FT 3+. Many thanks

Best Answer

  • db2000db2000 Traveler
    Accepted Answer

    Many thanks. I am doing this on a new Fractal Terrains 3+ image just created for experimentation. I can now see when I zoom in to an area it is working so it must be to do with the strength of the paintbrush for erase purposes. How do I increase the strength of the brush to make more severe alterations. Many t hanks


  • LoopysueLoopysue ProFantasy 🖼️ 40 images Cartographer

    The raise and lower brushes should work - either the regular raise or lower or the prescale offset brushes (the green ones), unless this is a map you have imported as a data file.

    Not knowing how the world was created I can't say for certain what the problem might be, but if increasing the strength of the brush doesn't work shout again, and tell us a bit more about the map.

  • db2000db2000 Traveler
    Accepted Answer

    Many thanks. I am doing this on a new Fractal Terrains 3+ image just created for experimentation. I can now see when I zoom in to an area it is working so it must be to do with the strength of the paintbrush for erase purposes. How do I increase the strength of the brush to make more severe alterations. Many t hanks

  • db2000db2000 Traveler

    Its ok, I fuigured out its the scroll wheel on the mouse. Thanks again

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