Question - Darklands - Active Sheet Effects - Rivers Run Green
I bought the software within the past day or so, and I have attempted 3 new "Cities" maps with Deciding Settings Myself -> Annual Darklands City. After messing around with the Fill Style to try to make the water in rivers look greener, including importing assets and textures from other files and changing their settings in Annual Darklands (sic), I apparently accidentally made the water green in rivers regardless of what FS I use. And this
This doesn't seem to happen when I create cities with settings other than Annual Darklands City, which I am very thankful for. Would anyone happen to know what it is that I did, and perhaps how to fix it without having to uninstall and reinstall everything? At least I'm at the beginning!
Rivers are typically on the same sheet and layer.
If the layer is frozen, you won't be able to change it.
The green color water is a trademark of darklands. Look at the sheet effects and you will see an RGB matrix which changes the color. just uncheck it if you want blue water.
Ah. That explains it.