What's included in CD3?

With the latest Humble Bundle, I gave away a key for CD3, not realizing I don't yet own that product! I guess since I own SS5, and several other city styles (HCC1, HCC2, and HCC3) I just assumed I owned CD3.

Embarassing story aside, I'd still like to decide what my next purchase would be (now that CD3 is back on the list). So, what is included in CD3?


Best Answer

  • LoopysueLoopysue ProFantasy 🖼️ 40 images Cartographer
    Accepted Answer

    It used to be all the city drawing tools as well as all the default city styles, but in recent years the city tools have been incorporated into CC3. So what it has is all the default CD3 styles - templates and assets.

    That was a shame! Maybe if you win the competition you can use some of the voucher to get CD3.


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