forgot style, anyone recognize?
This is one of my earliest maps, so please forgive the obvious errors. What I used to do is just pick a style to start the map in, b/c i didn't know them anyway, and then poke around until I found the specific piece I wanted to use. Now that I want to go back and try and finish this map, I can't figure out what the heck I used for the roads and can't find the style ANYwhere. Does anyone happen to recognize what the heck I used for these roads, please?
Your roads are a bitmap fill style, which means it should show up on the Bitmap Files tab in the fill style dialog. And you can use Info -> List on the road to find the exact name of the fill from the dialog if required, then from the dialog you can find the file name and path, if needed.
thank you very much!
another dumb question, in the same map, what the heck did i do that most of my terrain drawing tools are set to the same bitmap? and how do i fix it? like terrain grass draws mud, for example.
like, is there a way to reset my drawing tools for a specific style back to the default?
The reason the drawing tools all seem to use the same fill is because they are looking for a fill that does not exist in the current map, so they fall back to the currently selected fill instead. This is an indication that your style isn't set correctly, since each style typically have it's own fills.
To get the tools showing the proper fills (for the style they belong to), you can import the fills into your map using the procedure described here (but I do suspect that isn't really what you need here, you probably wish to use the correct tools, not the correct fills from the wrong tools.):