Live Mapping - City Floorplans
Administrator 🖼️ 81 images Cartographer
Time for a new live mapping session.
Since we have a competition going this month, I will be starting on a floorplan from the city, and let us just see how far we can get.
Will go live on Thursday at 1800 hours CET. As usual, if you are logged in, it should be listed in your local time in the forum sidebar, if not, you're probably smart enough to figure it out :)
20 minute shout! :)
So, I have spent some more time finishing up my tiny little smithy from the video, so here are the current state of the maps.
Nice work, Remy :)
I think those coal heaps look better on the SYMBOLS FLAT sheet. They always look like they are floating to me when they have a shadow on them.
The chimney is already in my head and planned. The doors are closed out of lazyness, because then I don't have to deal with the transition between the floor and the street.
But yea, I should really move that coal heap, shouldn't I. Maybe the blacksmith is lazy like me... "Yea... Just dump it there... I am going to have burned through it soon enough anyway...."
Updated versions
Only if you disable Delayed Drawn Symbols [DELAYDRAWSYM]
In practice, you don't want to stack coal up against a building unless you don't care if it leaves a black stain on the wall. We still have black stains on the old garage wall where the coal bunkers were standing 50 years ago.