A Quick B&W Village
I decided to do a quick village in Pär Lindström B&W cities just for practice. It looks decent to me, but since I know others have more experience, I thought I would post it to see if people had any suggestions.
Looks good to me :)
Just checking to see if someone has some nifty suggestions that up a basic map.
It's probably more than a basic map. You've considered quite a lot of things a lot more carefully than you would for a sketch map. The plan of the village is realistic, and you've thought about where there might be single trees or avenues of trees instead of just blocking them down and leaving it. You've even considered that the main road might be older than the smaller roads and be more jiggly as a result of time and various deviations to the original course.
If I have any suggestions it would only be that the river banks would probably be less jiggly where it's narrower, since the water will flow faster there and tend to erode in a straighter line - unless there are huge boulders causing those jiggled edges to it's channel.
Thanks for the tip about the river. That is something I will keep in mind for future maps.