[WIP] City of Asedo (aka Odesa)

Hi, well I am insane - another metropolis ongoing. This time from the real world map of Odesa, and I am going to recreate the same style, with the same or similar fills (or Mike Schley city fills), and icons (which are obviously vector ones). The map also gives the outlines of various buildings, which I am also duplicating. So this is a work of duplication or copying, rather than being creative on my own.

The map I am using is at this URL:

9.jpg (3500×6142) (vashgid.od.ua)

Here is my overall map - just roads, water and parks have been completed. The other details I will add section by section.

Here is the section I am starting on - centered around Tatiana's old apartment.

Some tidying up of some of the buildings will be done, but I just wanted to show you an example of what I will be doing.

Here is the legend I will be using.

Tatiana is helping me with the translation 😂 The translator said родильньіе дома was birthday home. It actually means hospital for childbirth!

I welcome any comments, as usual.


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