Community Atlas - Forlorn Archipelago - Fisher Isle, several villages and surrounding areas



  • Busy, called that due to 4 roads converging on it.

    Area the south part of the Plains of Tur. Area and towns near Dreadwood. This would make 25 maps.

    Unless there are requested updates, I'll start working on the text in the next few days.

  • JimPJimP 🖼️ 280 images Cartographer
    edited August 2022

    Hopefully I'll get this all in the correct order...

    this text is incomplete, doesn't have the room descriptions, which are up thread. I'll remove the grids and check each map before I submit them. This is mostly to get them in order, along with some descriptive text.

          Fisher Bay   partial area map  

    Fisher Bay, Grull's Village. A small port town just down the coast from the city of Fisher.

    Fisher Bay, Obsnar. An inland keep that helps defend Grull's Village.

             Obsbnar area   ( 1 map)

             Grull's Village   ( 1 map)

  •      The Plains of Tur     ( 2 maps) done

    One of these is a close up of the southern part of these plains. But it has detail not on the larger map. Should I include both or just one ?

    The Great One, a statue partially buried in sand. Appears to be a great warrior or king of unknown origin.

            Busy             ( 1 map ) done

    Busy, a small town at a 4 road junction. Most of the inhabitants are always in a hurry. Northwest of The Lost Village.

            Lost Village  ( 1 map) done

    The Lost Village. A village that destroyed by Orcs years ago. To the west is Dreadwood and to the east are the mesas and badlands. I'll fix the acne, this is just putting text with maps.

  •      Dreadwood area near Empty Hills and Deadly Hills  ( 1 map) done

    area map

            Deadly Hills  area ( 1 map) done

    I'll have to look through my save folder... it is possible I moved maps there I should have kept in the main folder.

               Deadly Hills ( 1 map) done

    Wrgh, an Orc town. ( 1 map) done


  • The Dark, a salted with silver coin bits and sold as a silver mine.

    Hmm. I don't have an exterior map for The Hidden nor of The Dark. Should I make them ?

    Interior map of The Dark.

    Old Silver (1 map done)

    a town of ruins that once tried to mine The Dark for silver.

  • The Hidden series of maps. The room text is up thread. If I need to add more descriptions, please post some suggestions.

    Level 1

    level 2

    level 3

  • The Hidden level 3 areas 5B through 5D

  • The Hidden Level 3, area 5E

    Chul, Orc camp

    I think that is all of them. I didn't check up thread.

  • Looking at the two Plains of Tur maps, they overlap too much.

    I'll look at getting them to overlap just a bit, or make one of them larger and not use the other one.

  • Ah, a slight mistake... Plains of Tur is about the middle of the Plains.

    I had 'The Lost Village' on two maps, it shouldn't have been on the, map that shows the area beside Dreadwood and Old Silver. So they don't overlap after all.

    So, this map is correct.

    And this map has been corrected.

  • JimPJimP 🖼️ 280 images Cartographer
    edited August 2022

    Unless I have made a mistake; this should be the correct sequence for these maps.

    A) Fisher Bay

    1) Fisher Bay, Grull's Village. A small port town just down the coast from the city of Fisher.

    2) Fisher Bay, Obsnar. An inland keep that helps defend Grull's Village.

    B) The Plains of Tur

    1) Helman’s Spires: mesa like formations on the west border of margz Marsh, and home to wild cats and

    feral dogs of huge dimensions.

    a) The Great One, a statue partially buried in sand. Appears to be a great warrrior or king of unknown origin.

    b) Busy, a small town at a 4 road junction. Most of the inhabitants are always in a hurry.

    c) The Lost Village. A village that destroyed by Orcs years ago. To the west is Dreadwood and to the east are the mesas and badlands.

    2) Dreadwood: A gloomy pine forest south of Starshine, devoid of birds, but territory of wolves, even


    a) Dreadwood; Deadly Hills. Home of various Orc camps and Orc towns.

    Dreadwood; Deadly Hills; Wrgh, an Orc town.

    b) Dreadwood; Empty Hills. Home of The Dark, a salted with silver coin bits and sold as a silver mine.

    Dreadwood; Empty Hills. Home of The Hidden, an actual dungeon of likely riches.

    Dreadwood; Empty Hills. Chul, an Orc camp.

    c) Dreadwood. Old Silver, a town of ruins that once tried to mine The Dark for silver.

    Dreadwood; Dreghka, an Orc town

  • If no one has any corrections by Monday July 8, I'll submit them for the Atlas. Yes, with separate txt files for each.

    I'll probably work on additional text for the mapped areas.

  • MonsenMonsen Administrator 🖼️ 51 images Cartographer

    For the last two map images above:

    • What is the map names? I don't see any titles on any of them
    • Top one doesn't have a scale bar (nor a compass rose)

  • Thanks. I've been rather tired.

    I'll fix them.

    The first one is the middle area of The Plains of Tur. The second one is the southern area. I don't think they touch, but I'm not sure.

  • JimPJimP 🖼️ 280 images Cartographer
    edited August 2022

    Area text and first map; name changed, scale bar and compass rose added.

    My Internet is flaky today.

    A) Fisher Bay

    1) Fisher Bay, Grull's Village. A small port town just down the coast from the city of Fisher.

    2) Fisher Bay, Obsnar. An inland keep that helps defend Grull's Village.

    B) The Plains of Tur, Near Starshine Forest, and Plains of Tur, near Dreadwood.

    1) Helman’s Spires: mesa like formations on the west border of Margz Marsh, and home to wild cats and

    feral dogs of huge dimensions.

    a) The Great One, a statue partially buried in sand. Appears to be a great warrior or king of unknown origin.

    b) Busy, a small town at a 4 road junction. Most of the inhabitants are always in a hurry. Nice Inn, good supplies for adventurers.

    c) The Lost Village. A village that destroyed by Orcs years ago. To the west is Dreadwood and to the east are the Helman's Spires mesas and badlands.

    2) Dreadwood: A gloomy pine forest south of Starshine, devoid of birds, but territory of wolves, even

    werewolves. There are rumors of giant snails. Any werewolves you encounter will deny the giant snails exist, don't trust them.

    a) Dreadwood; Deadly Hills. Home of various Orc camps and Orc towns. Sometimes formations of Orcs and Kobolds can be seen attacking each other, then they have a big party afterwards. It is unknown if they are settling differences, partying, or just practicing.

    Deadly Hills; Wrgh, an Orc town.

    b) Dreadwood; Empty Hills. Home of The Dark, a salted cave with silver coin bits and sold as a silver mine.

    Dreadwood; Empty Hills. Home of The Hidden, an actual dungeon of likely riches.

    Dreadwood; Empty Hills. Chul, an Orc camp.

    c) Dreadwood. Old Silver, a town of ruins that once tried to mine The Dark for silver.

    Dreadwood; Dreghka, an Orc town

    edit: Sorry, that had a square grid. My ISP is trying to give me dial-up speeds today.

  • JimPJimP 🖼️ 280 images Cartographer
    edited August 2022

    Plains of Tur, near Dreadwood. I won't be uploading all maps today as I have to check over some of them, get rid of acne, etc. Looks like I need to move the compass rose to text, instead of text2. Or change the outer glow back to a blue. Ya know, one of those old desert songs, 'cool clear water, water'.

    Here is the compass rose and scale bar with a dark blue, color 90.

  • Fisher Bay, southwest area.

    Obsnar, Grul's Village area.

    Grul's Village.

  • JimPJimP 🖼️ 280 images Cartographer
    edited August 2022

    Plains of Tur, The Lost Village

    Dreadwood, Deadly Hills

    Deadly Hills, Wrgh

  • Wrgh, by moonlight

    Dreadwood, Old Silver area.

    Dreadwood, Old Silver

    I think that will be enough for today.

    MonsenLoopysue[Deleted User]
  • the caves and rooms in The Dark, the fake silver mine.

    The Dark

    1 ) cave entrance

    large stalagmite to the left. a bit of mine track, and a mine cart that is off the track.

    2) main cave; pillars some hollow, rock piles, a mine cart or two, broken barrels, 3 squared off rocks, secret door to 11. remains of two wagons.

    3) water source, a small spring keeps it fed. But water flow is rather slow.

    A character looking away from the water, might catch a smile forming on the water out of the corner of their eye... but the smile vanishes when they turn to look.

    4) this part of 2 hides the secret door. Behind it is a skeleton and some small piles of mixed coins. The real secret door behind it hides the alchemists' areas.

    5) a mining cart, empty. Points sort of to the 3 foot wide hole in the wall.

    6) a long cave, with various rocks.

    7) a small room, a reinforced door at the end, 5 feet wide.

    8) an oval room; two opened chests, two small piles of silver coins at the pointy end.

    9) living quarters for the two alchemists. Pointed stick barrier. Two beds, 2 storage chests, a rug.

    10) 2 chests with a bit of platinum, gold and silver pieces. One has lead at the bottom. They are trying to turn lead into gold.

    Two work tables, tables, 2 stools, a comfy chair, and a table with 3 chairs. Could they have visitors from time to time ?

    11) a skeleton and a few coins on the floor.

  • JimPJimP 🖼️ 280 images Cartographer
    edited August 2022

    The Hidden level 01. Small amounts of small coins in the stone building, debris. A passages behind rocks.

    But climbing the rocks, a light can be shined and that being will see, a wooden door leading somewhere.

    The small building ? Rather small, but a gnome or two could live there... were they searching ? Or guarding ?

    1) cave entrance, small building, 3 skeletons guard the room behind the rocks.

    2) a short passage blocked by rocks and other such debris.

    3) a continuation of 2.

    4) a rectangular room with 2 skeletons, with weapons. Why were the weapons not looted long ago ? Or are they traps ?

    5) 4 small piles of wood debris

    6) a circular room. water filled pit. A spiral metal stairs.

    7) three sacks of something.

    edit 2: I fixed the bevel in room 1.

    I don't have text for all of level 2, I'll work on that.


    Turns out I did have all of the text for level 2, but it wasn't on my computer. It was up thread. I've saved it to my computer. My ISP continues to drag my connection speed down.

  • JimPJimP 🖼️ 280 images Cartographer
    edited August 2022

    The Hidden level 2

    Different inhabitants used this level for different reasons.

    Yes, these room walls are 2 feet thick. But if characters knock on them with a fist or metal item, they wont sound hollow. Several magic mouths, or illusional sounds, which make sounds like a large bronze gong to cover the hollow sounds the walls make.

    Note that the rock piles channel anyone walking into these caves. A Ranger or Dwarf might notice some piles look artificial in that they are carefully placed to look like debris tossed out of the way of any digging.

    The rooms are basically regular dungeon rooms placed inside a large cave. Until the characters get out of these regular dungeon rooms, it will be difficult to notice they are in a gigantic cave.

    The cave height varies from 30' to 80'.

    1) Spiral stairs leads down from level 01. About 230' x 200' x 50' high. The stairs down to level 3 are behind a secret door and room, in room 43.

    Two small ruined buildings.

    South building; 5 small plants. Digging in the sand might result in a few copper and silver coins of unknown origin. Some have a silhouette of a man's head and face, some have a woman's.

    Northeast building; 11 piles of green leaves. They don't match the living leaves from the 3 trees. A pile of small skulls.

    Northwest corner; 3 skeletons behind 7 sack cloths. Sand in the sacks.

    Large animal skeletons, one each, between the large trees. These trees sometimes make noises like the wind has moved them, but there is no wind.

    A large gold colored bull blocks the exit. It doesn't appear to move. If a character watches closely, one ear will turn towards the group, then back forward. It could be an illusion, or a strong herd animal that attacks.

    2) 200' x 100' regular doors. secret door to 28.

    Two larch trees, a large tree, and several piles of leaves that didn't come from any of these trees.

    One pile of leaves could be hiding a small treasure.

    Between room 2 and 3 is a portcullis. No mechanism can be found to open it. Push on the right side and it will swing open.

    3 ) 100' x 300' x 20'

    Two larch trees. Small bird sounds can be heard coming from the branches. No birds to be seen. A carefully done search might find two or three small lizards... they are the ones making the bird sounds.

    They wont attack, but will run if threatened.

    A registration desk is next to a spike barricade. Behind that is a green arrow floating in the air. Three sarcophagi growing toadstools. The fourth one has a skeleton in it. Chains on the floor next to the skeleton sarcophagus.

    On the table is a jewelry box. A few gems and a necklace are inside.

    The passageway east of this room leads out into the main cave.

    4 ) 100' diameter circle x 30' high. Evil idol down in the water. Seven pews across the south part of the room. Two open chests near the west wall.

    A sacrifice slab on the north wall. Looks very clean, no dust.

    Southwest area of this room, a wood door opens out to the main cave.

    5) an irregular area of rocks. West side is room 20. To the right is room 7. Dusty.

    6 ) 200' x 100' x 25' ( Northwest part of the map.)

    Debris, a nice water well, 2 open pits. Secret door leads to room 4.

    7) South side; irregular area of rock and silvery dust. No value. Scratches on some rocks.

    8) top of map; a basically triangular room, marked off on one side by moss covered rocks.

    9) a small room with rocks around it. ( right side of map.)

    10) About 70' x about 40' x 50' Two large moss covered rocks. ( left side of map.)

    11) West side of map; a skeleton and a few coins on the floor.

    12 ) Bottom of map; A large area south of the polluted water. Empty of all but dust. A few coins of small worth might be found here.

    13 ) North side of the map is about 50' x 30' area overlooking the cliffs above the polluted water. Footprints.

    14 ) East of northern beach brown sand area; A rock walled area up from the beach. Sand and some dust.

    15 ) About 750' x about 30' x 50' overlooks the Northeast cliffs. Large cracked area.

    16) About 50' x about 30' x 50' Looks like it might have been a last stand area, but no skeletons, nor any debris is here. North side of map.

    17 ) North of room 2; A small room with stone walls, and part of room 3 walls.

    18 ) A small room with stone walls, and part of room 3 walls. Overlooks the western cliffs.

    rooms 19 through 21 are at south side.

    19) 80' x 30' x 20' rock and wood debris. Ruins of a small hut. Five piles of cloth debris. Some might have usable clothes in them. But not much more than town street clothes.

    20 ) 10' x 20' x 20' skeleton scattered on the floor, small chest with a treasure.

    20 A ) 200' x 50' x 20' wood barricades and skeletons, trying to defend from something in room 21 or something coming in from the cave. A campfire, two treasure chests. Large cracked area in the floor. Large leaf tree, no leaves on the floor.

    20 B ) a rock void. The well contains good clean water. The coins visible deep down are an illusion.

    21 ) 50' x 10' x 20' skeleton scattered on the floor, small chest with a treasure. Has a short sword with scabbard.

    22 ) Odd-shaped area between rooms 1, 2, and 28. Clean, appears to be sand, but there is only sand looking floor.

    23 ) An area east of the middle brown sand area, rows of rocks. Five empty barrels dot the area.

    24 ) West side, towards the southwest corner; 60' x from 10' to 50' wide x 30' high area, sandy floor.

    25 ) West of room 17; A small cave area, empty but for sand and dust.

    26 ) at north end; a small area with rocks separating it from 13 and 16. Sandy floor.

    27 ) A diagonal area of rocks, just east of the Sacred Grove. "You see a 'tunnel of water' about 3 feet off the ground. It is about 5 feet in diameter. You see small fish swimming in it, moving fast. A dark shape follows them."

    28 ) North of room 1; about 110' x about 110' x 25' Treasure chest west side, wood debris, and piles of lumber. Two piles of skulls by the tree.

    29 ) East of room 1; is an area that has cliffs overlooking the polluted water in area 30. A narrow path between rocks and room 1 that leads to area 12.

    30 ) Large area center of the cave; A large polluted water area. It could have been forced into the hill by a deity, or it was dug out and the water became rancid which is why there is no one currently here.

    Living anyway.

    The cliffs are up to 20 feet high.

    The Olde Temple: from the main cave floor there are a few wall parts still above water. They might be unstable.

    The Stepping Stones can be used to go from the main cave floor across the water to the east side.

    Some are covered with moss or the characters could just walk around.

    The Guard House is where the Temple Guards once lived.

    Kelp Forest looks planned.

    Sacred Grove was once a worship area. Beware !

    There are three schools of fish. Two moves slowly around in the water. The other never seems to move, but a careful watcher will notice one fish break free, swim a short distance away from the school, and then appears to be dragged back.

    31 ) Northwest corner; a treasure, out in the open.

    32 ) Northeast of room 4; A treasure and an opened chest, behind some rocks. A skeleton and dried blood around the open chest.

    33 ) in the Northwest corner: An odd shaped cave area. Very old dried blood on the sand.

    34 ) East of room 15; about 80 ' x about 50' x 50' two skeletons on the sandy floor.

    35 ) East side: A long narrow cave, north-south.

    36 ) East side: A long narrow area, east-west.

    37 ) Eastern side of the map; about 50' x about 60' x 55' with a rock on the sandy soil.

    38 ) Next to room 37; A small area with rocks on 3 sides.

    39 ) East side of map; A rocky room, southeast to northwest, sandy floor

    40 ) about 150' x about 240' x 60' The shark in the blue water pit has learned how to travel down to the kelp area south end of this room. A tunnel of water forms in front of the shark. it can attack any being that encounters this moving tunnel of water. The water is about 3 feet off the floor. It varies from 10' to 30' in diameter.

    The kelp covered rocks to the right of the number 27 are part of this room.

    41 ) 90' x 25' x 80' dry, sandy. A possible refuge from the shark attacks in room 40.

    42 ) about 180' x from 25' to 60' wide x 30' high. The location marked B is an easily moved secret door into this area.

    43 ) about 100' x about 20' x 30' spiral stairs down to level 3. Two secret doors, in the smaller boulders, lead into this room.

    43 B ) A chest that looks open, but that is an illusion. It may be hiding some few coins under the illusion.

  • JimPJimP 🖼️ 280 images Cartographer
    edited August 2022

    The Hidden level 03

    rooms on this level are 10' to 30' high. Room 3 is taller. From level 02 down to level 03 is 150'.

    1 ) entrance from level 2. 50' x 50' x 10' Has two trees showing autumnal leaves.

    2 ) 120' x 40' x 15' barricades, 2 broken barrels, a ballista, and two piles of skulls east of the barricades.

    3 ) a large circular room 150' x 50' ; partioned off is a living area with beds, a stove, table and chairs, food storage. A crate of pears and a crate of apples. Outside the partition are two crates with valuable looking stone heads and a barrel.

    High up on the southeast is an opening, 30' to the bottom of the opening. It leads to room 11.

    4 ) 60' x 40' x 20' empty of all but dust, no foot prints. A ranger of elf might spot that there were footprints, but they have been smoothed over. Side room has wood debris and a small chest.

    5 ) A cave 10' to 30' high. and a passageway that leads to the north side of The Hidden hill.

    6 ) A room of an outer rectangular 'ring' of 20' high and an inner rectangular room of 10' high. Giant beetles in the outer area, two trolls with meat trays so they don't attack the beetles, and one small 10' x 10' x 10' room where a lone adventurer died while trying to avoid being eaten by either the trolls or the beetles.

    7 ) 110' x 40' x 30' Two trees, a cauldron, and a table. Anyone entering the room and walking over to the cauldron or table will hear whispering 'climb into the cauldron for a nice hot bath...'. How the trees will dine on whomever climbs into the cooking cauldron is unknown.

    8 ) 10' x 10' x 10' + 60' x 10' x 15' An L-shaped room off the passageway. The secret door is marked by the wood debris. A broken board and a small chest are in the room.

    9 ) 30' x 90' x 25' A hidden room. Three heads on spikes seem to be a warning, but only two broken chairs are visible. The tables could have small compartments in a table leg or buit into the bottom of the table.

    10 A ) odd-shaped room, 20' high. tropical trees

    10 B ) odd-shaped room, 15' high. Winter/snow trees with two ogres who are ordered to defend the chest and crates.

    10 C ) 110' x 40' x 20' Desert cacti, with giant ants guarding the area.

    11 ) 50' x 30' x 10' barricade and skeletal remains. Six snow covered trees seemingly protecting a crate.

    The Hidden level 3, continuation of location 5.

    exit tunnel/cave 5B

    1. Officer of the Watch's quarters. 30' x 40' x 10'

      wood debris, but the bed and animal skin carpet are fairly new.

    2. Old Guard Post. 40' x 60' x 12' Wood debris. Rock debris with a skeleton under each pile. Three nice condition beds with three nice carpets. Two tables with 3 chairs each.

    3. The tunnel/cave. Rocks all over the floor.

    4. encounter area. A fairey ring. Three large green toadstools. A 6 undead skeletons who are guarding the ring. A troll is hiding behind one of the green toadstools.

    5. A trap room. 50' x 50' x 20' Three open pits and an opened chest. Skeletons in the open pits.

    6. encounter area. Blue glowing toadstools, can be safely touched, but not edible. Give off a low level of light. Three giant beetles with green glowing mandibles.

    7. Secret door into an angled passageway leads to a room with water as a floor. 90' x 30' x 10' also 30' deep. A chest is floating on the water, east end.

    The Hidden Level 03 map 5C

    cave 1 ) leads out to 5E exit.

    hallway 2 and room 3 ) are one big trap... There is an obvious pit trap in passageway 2.

    3 ) 30' x 70' x 20' there might be a few coins in the intact table. Two normal looking trees. Debris and a large blue mushroom.

    4 ) crooked passage way

    5 ) are treasures in the chests. 30' x 40' x 20'

    cave 6 leads to map 5D... for Dead End.

    The various toadstools and mushrooms glow different colors by season of the year.

  • JimPJimP 🖼️ 280 images Cartographer
    edited August 2022

    The Hidden level 3, part 5D

    1 ) entrance cave, a bit of dust... maybe some footprints leading in, but none coming out.

    2 ) long cave; mushrooms, toadstools, rocks, a small tree

    3 ) long cave; a pile of rocks, corridor to room 4 and room 5

    4 ) rectangular room; 130' x 30' x 25' 3 trees, blue toadstools, 2 piles of rock. A portcullis in front of a secret door. The portcullis is attached only at the floor.

    5 ) a small room, some of the turf is loose, but there is nothing under it. 2 skeletons.

    6 ) odd-shaped room with a blue toadstool, 2 piles of rocks, 3 small trees and a small chest with a few silver and copper coins in it. Thumping the bottom sounds like it is hollow, but it is empty.

    7 ) L-shaped room; 5 large barrel cacti, 2 bushes

    8 ) a wandering passageway. Adventurers can just see a chest off in the distance, path blocked by blue toadstool. There are a few gold and silver coins in the chest.

    9 ) A big room with 3 chests surrounded by various cactus plants. Four piles of rocks.

    The few coins are barely worth the effort of looking for them.

    The Hidden level 3, part 5E

    1) continuous cave area. A skeleton under debris.

    1 B) a rock fall on a human skeleton, a campfire and cut wood nearby.

    2) old guard room. Some signs of recent habitation.

    3) more cave; the blue mushrooms glow on pixie holidays. The orcs have learned to not touch nor destroy them.

    4) a cave with a campfire and a pile of wood. Defensive rocks at the entrance.

    5) 3 rattlesnakes, an open treasure chest.

    6) Wood debris, a painted pillar debris looks like it might have been dragged here. A treasure chest, view of it blocked by a pile of rocks. This could have been a retreat area, with a treasure.

    7) pixie dance ring, not used due to the orcs

    8) an area of some cover, could be used for ambushes.

  • If I got the count correct, that should be 25 maps.

    I'll submit later next week to give anyone time to go other them and the text.


    1.3K likes later.

  • @Monsen Would it be okay if I did a 'local area' for The Dark and The Hidden ? About a mile around them ?

    Or does the maps I already have done for The Empty Hills area make the two I just mentioned in the previous sentence too many/redundant ?

  • MonsenMonsen Administrator 🖼️ 51 images Cartographer
    edited August 2022

    I don't mind. A new map isn't redundant as long as it brings new details to the table. But you yourself is the best guide if you have additional details to add, or it's better to just add a few things to the parent map.

  • For myself, I like a series of maps each closer in. But I could detail another town.

    I'll think about it.

  • Car problems. Hopefully repaired soon.

  • Got the part, now rain is coming in.

    So I'm working on the text files and zipping up the fcw files.

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