Community Atlas - Forlorn Archipelago - Fisher Isle, several villages and surrounding areas



  • Update, room dimensions added this time.

    I think this is complete, unless someone wants additional symbols, rooms, etc.

    The Hidden level 03

    rooms on this level are 10' to 30' high. Room 3 is taller. From level 02 down to level 03 is 150'.

    1 ) entrance from level 2. 50' x 50' x 10' Has two trees showing autumnal leaves.

    2 ) 120' x 40' x 15' barricades, 2 broken barrels, a ballista, and two piles of skulls east of the barricades.

    3 ) a large circular room 150' x 50' ; partioned off is a living area with beds, a stove, table and chairs, food storage. A crate of pears and a crate of apples. Outside the partition are two crates with valuable looking stone heads and a barrel.

    High up on the southeast is an opening, 30' to the bottom of the opening. It leads to room 11.

    4 ) 60' x 40' x 20' empty of all but dust, no foot prints. A ranger of elf might spot that there were footprints, but they have been smoothed over. Side room has wood debris and a small chest.

    5 ) A cave 10' to 30' high. and a passageway that leads to the north side of The Hidden hill.

    6 ) A room of an outer rectangular 'ring' of 20' high and an inner rectangular room of 10' high. Giant beetles in the outer area, two trolls with meat trays so they don't attack the beetles, and one small 10' x 10' x 10' room where a lone adventurer died while trying to avoid being eaten by either the trolls or the beetles.

    7 ) 110' x 40' x 30' Two trees, a cauldron, and a table. Anyone entering the room and walking over to the cauldron or table will hear whispering 'climb into the cauldron for a nice hot bath...'. How the trees will dine on whomever climbs into the cooking cauldron is unknown.

    8 ) 10' x 10' x 10' + 60' x 10' x 15' An L-shaped room off the passageway. The secret door is marked by the wood debris. A broken board and a small chest are in the room.

    9 ) 30' x 90' x 25' A hidden room. Three heads on spikes seem to be a warning, but only two broken chairs are visible. The tables could have small compartments in a table leg or buit into the bottom of the table.

    10 A ) odd-shaped room, 20' high. tropical trees

    10 B ) odd-shaped room, 15' high. Winter/snow trees with two ogres who are ordered to defend the chest and crates.

    10 C ) 110' x 40' x 20' Desert cacti, with giant ants guarding the area.

    11 ) 50' x 30' x 10' barricade and skeletal remains. Six snow covered trees seemingly protecting a crate.

    LoopysueMonsenpablo gonzalez
  • Preliminary Area 5B. This is 500' x 400'. The other areas on the way to the exit will be smaller.

    No larger in my gallery. Too early.

    [Deleted User]Loopysuepablo gonzalez
  • Update. The nicely tiled room in the lower left is Officer of the Watch's quarters.

    Note there are 4 nice looking beds, amongst the debris.

    Look at all the gray rocks. Then two areas of brown rocks. Why, characters might think the brown rocks mark off secrets. But they would be wrong.

    The interface of the cave and the passageway seems too obvious to me... looks like a door or something.

    [Deleted User]Loopysue
  • I'll be adding more to this one. Fungi, skeletons. Etc.

  • Added fungi. The green ones are next to a fairie ring. They are for the audience... so to speak.

    The blue ones can be used for light.

    [Deleted User]LoopysueDaltonSpencepablo gonzalez
  • I think this is it for this part of the exit tunnel/cave.

    5000 pixel jpg in my gallery.

    exit tunnel/cave 5B

    1. Officer of the Watch's quarters. 30' x 40' x 10'

      wood debris, but the bed and animal skin carpet are fairly new.

    2. Old Guard Post. 40' x 60' x 12' Wood debris. Rock debris with a skeleton under each pile. Three nice condition beds with three nice carpets. Two tables with 3 chairs each.

    3. The tunnel/cave. Rocks all over the floor.

    4. encounter area. A fairey ring. Three large green toadstools. A 6 undead skeletons who are guarding the ring. A troll is hiding behind one of the green toadstools.

    5. A trap room. 50' x 50' x 20' Three open pits and an opened chest. Skeletons in the open pits.

    6. encounter area. Blue glowing toadstools, can be safely touched, but not edible. Give off a low level of light. Three giant beetles with green glowing mandibles.

    7. Secret door into an angled passageway leads to a room with water as a floor. 90' x 30' x 10' also 30' deep. A chest is floating on the water, east end.

    [Deleted User]LoopysueMonsenDaltonSpence
  • JimPJimP 🖼️ 280 images Cartographer
    edited June 2022

    I'm getting power flickers so my computer is staying off. On my cell.

    Edit. From a big thunderstorm.

  • Storm is gone. I'll work on the map more on Thursday.

  • 6 days later
  • Well, pre-Wednesday in July.

    Anyway, the 5B map I noticed the walls lacked bevel and shadows. Fixed.

    Monsen[Deleted User]Loopysue
  • The Hidden Level 03 map 5C

    cave 1 leads out to 5E exit, hallway 2 and room 3 are one big trap... there might be a few coins in the intact table. I would put a picture of a certain admiral, but it would be too obvious and likely a copyright issue.

    crooked passage way 4 and room 5 are treasures in the chests.

    cave 6 leads to map 5D... for Dead End.

    900 pixel jpg.

    Monsen[Deleted User]Loopysue
  • The Hidden Level 03, Part 5D preliminary map. So... what keeps that nice lawn well trimmed ?

  • JimPJimP 🖼️ 280 images Cartographer
    edited July 2022

    Part 5D for Dead End. I'll be thinking on the 5E exit map.

    1 ) entrance cave, a bit of dust... maybe some footprints leading in, but none coming out.

    2 ) long cave; mushrooms, toadstools, rocks, a small tree

    3 ) long cave; a pile of rocks, corridor to room 4 and room 5

    4 ) rectangular room; 3 trees, blue toadstools, 2 piles of rock. A portcullis in front of a secret door.

    5 ) a small room, some of the turf is loose, but there is nothing under it.

    6 ) odd-shaped room with a blue toadstool, 2 piles of rocks, 3 small trees and a small chest with a few silver and copper coins in it. Thumping the bottom sounds like it is hollow, but it is empty.

    7 ) L-shaped room; 5 large barrel cacti, 2 bushes

    8 ) a wandering passageway. Adventurers can just see a chest off in the distance, path blocked by blue toadstool. There are a few gold and silver coins in the chest.

    9 ) A big room with 3 chests surrounded by various cactus plants. Four piles of rocks.

    The few coins are barely worth the effort of looking for them.

    Edit. Fixed a typo.

    Loopysue[Deleted User]MonsenWyvern
  • While I'm thinking about The Hidden level 3 map 5E for exit.

    Here is an update on the area around Old Silver. I'll be working on Old Silver details.

  • Old Silver, the ruined town. Trees and bushes are red and pink, due to the ones who stayed on after the silver mine closed, all being killed by humanoids.

    I'm trying to settle on a dashed line for the ruined footpaths.

  • changed the roads/paths to short dash long gap. And added text. I think that will be it unless someone suggests changes.

  • I'll continue to work on this... after i sit down and decide what additional maps to make.

    My plan for each original area is: one region, one district, one or two towns, one or two dungeons.

  • Here is my list. If I have missed any, please let me know. They should all be, with the exception of 5E, in this thread.

    My new maps on Fisher Island.

    Fisher Bay area

    Obsnar area

    Grull's Village

    Dreadwood area near Empty Hills and Deadly Hills

    Deadly Hills area

    Wrgh orc village

    Empty Hills and Old Silver Area

    The Hidden

      level 1

      level 2

      level 3, 5B, 5C, 5D, and 5E

    Old Silver ruins

    Deadly Hills Area

    Deadly Hills

    Caves in The Dark

    The Plains of Tur

    The Lost Village

  • Okay, I looked quickly over the maps and suggestions. Well, I knew there was a marine dungeon somewhere. But I had accidently moved it over to a backup folder. Back where I can work on it now.

    And I found a different list on an earlier page in this thread.

    Forlorn Archipelago 

       Fisher Island 

          Fisher Bay , part of the area ( 1 map)

             Obsnar area   ( 1 map)

             Grull's Village   ( 1 map)

          Dreadwood      ( 1 map)

             Deadly Hills   ( 1 map)

                orc villages ( 1 map)

             Empty Hills     ( 1 map)

                The Dark( 1 map)

                Level 1

                The Hidden ( 3 maps)

                Level 1, 2, 3

             Old Silver   ( 1 map)

             Orc town Dreghka   ( 1 map)

             Orc camp Chul   ( 1 map)

          The Plains of Tur      ( 1 map)

             Lost Village   ( 1 map)

    for 16 maps.

  • I realize it is up to me, but I am interested in which list I should use. Asking for your opinion.

  • MonsenMonsen Administrator 🖼️ 51 images Cartographer

    Not really sure what you are asking regarding the list here Jim. They look mostly similar, and I am not really sure what about the list I should have an opinion on.

  • One has more orc villages, but mostly I think I may have missed a map I made earlier. I tried to locate all the ones on my hard drive, but it has been several months for the earlier ones.

    But if they aren't much different, I mostly copied and pasted, I'll look them over again and post a new list.

  • Here is the list I came up with. Any corrections or additions please let me know.

    Forlorn Archipelago

      Fisher Island

         Fisher Bay , part of the area ( 1 map)

            Obsbnar area  ( 1 map)

            Grull's Village  ( 1 map)

         Dreadwood area near Empty Hills and Deadly Hills  ( 1 map)

            Deadly Hills  area ( 1 map)

               Deadly Hills ( 1 map)

               Caves in The Dark ( 1 map)

               orc villages area ( 1 map)

            Empty Hills and Old Silver Area    ( 1 map)

               The Dark ( 1 map)

               Level 1 (1 map)

              The Hidden

                  level 1 (1 map)

                  level 2 (1 map)

                  level 3, 5B, 5C, 5D, and 5E (5 maps) Tunnel 5 continues on.

            Old Silver  ( 1 map)

            Orc town Wrgh   ( 1 map)

           Orc camp Chul  ( 1 map)

         The Plains of Tur     ( 1 map)

            Lost Village  ( 1 map)

    for 23 maps. Most are done.

    Only the one map for an area in The Plains of Tur. Would you like to see another mapped area in those plains ?

  • Here is a preliminary 5e map. 700 pixels. Needs lots of work. Yes, city cliffs are in use.

  • Jim, I think you need to turn off the effects for the cliffs they look as if they are floating above the ground.

  • Yeah, they aren't blending with the hill. Looks like a white glow is on them. I'll try something more of a brown. Back to sleep.

  • There isn't a glow. There was just a drop shadow. I tried putting a glow of a similar brown, but they definately look like they are floating then. I'll post that and the fcw. I need to adjust the top part of the map border as well.

    Looks like the white glow is part of the symbols. Looking at the symbol fsc, some have a brown color on them. I'll switch them out.

  • These aren't high cliffs. I've been out camping and saw a hill, with a short drop on one side of 15 to 20 feet.

    Now to move the map border so it is correct.

  • I fixed the map border. Added a few symbols, not done yet. But here is the preliminary rooms/area descriptions.


    1) continous cave area.

    2) old guard room. Some signs of recent habitation.

    3) more cave; the blue mushrooms glow on pixie holidays. The orcs have learned to not touch nor destroy them.

    4) a cave with a campfire and a pile of wood. Defensive rocks at the entrance.

    5 & 6) working on ideas for these caves.

    7) pixie dance ring, not used due to the orcs

    8) an area of some cover, could be used for ambushes.

    Loopysue[Deleted User]Monsenpablo gonzalez
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