Community Atlas - Forlorn Archipelago - Fisher Isle, several villages and surrounding areas



  • Bevel tends to give an edge to things, even where it looks sunken, so that may not be the most useful for what you're drawing here Jim, unless you're trying to show it's a deep, water-filled central pit with a much shallower edge, say. If you did want a central sharp drop for the deeper part, you could try the Invert Colors option (assuming you're using just the basic "Bevel" Effect; Lighted Bevel has a lot more things to adjust). That sometimes forces a swapover from raised to sunken appearance.

    Alternatively, maybe try a smaller edge fade on the shallow outer part, and a greater one in the central part, if you're wanting it to look like a more gradual deepening into the middle area.

    The outer edge of the pool could benefit from some sort of highlighting too, perhaps a small Outer Glow. It looks a little detached from the rest right now.

  • They do have the regular bevel. I'll try the other one later or maybe tomorrow. More likely on Saturday as my eyes are bothering me more. I'll use some eye drops I have, should be fine later.

    I'll check into the outer glow on the outer bitmap fill.

    On my cell.

  • Hmmm... I'm including the fcw as I just see, invert colors or not, its still a bump rather than a water filled pit.

    And that isn't like that on my screen.

  • Sorry Jim, don't have a lot of time currently, but a very quick look suggests part of the problem may be you have all the Bevels set to "Percent of View Width". Try resetting that to "Map Units", at least to experiment with, as that fixes the size of the bevels involved.

    You may also find it works better with the bevel applied only to the deeper part of the water (so it looks like there's a steep drop there only). I think that will be just the "deep 2" Sheet. It would take longer than I can spare right now to work out any suggestions for what might work better overall though. Just try some things out and see! It's what I'd be doing otherwise, after all!

    Oh, and I've found that Bevels on adjacent Sheets can interfere with one another sometimes, and give all kinds of odd, unwanted effects, variants on the typical acne. Not sure that's happening here, but might be something to be aware of just in case.

  • That would explain the version I didn't post, looked like scaly skin. Sort of.

    I'll check it later, on my cell.

  • JimPJimP 🖼️ 280 images Cartographer
    edited June 2022

    Update, I think the water depression looks better. Fcw attached so you can see how I did it.

  • Here is a better one. I deleted the fcw from the one above, and added in the newer one here.

    I decided to put a 5000 pixel jpg in my gallery of this one.

    Monsen[Deleted User]LoopysueWyvern
  • JimPJimP 🖼️ 280 images Cartographer
    edited June 2022

    Just to the right of the big number 27, you will see some marine rocks, with kelp floating on top of them.

    There is no apparent water there... is this where the shark in the water pit to the right of the big number 9 is located feeds ? Could be. Could be. Is the water invisible ? Who or what trims the sea grass around the shark's area ?

  • Hey, I just set-up several places in the Faerie City of Embra where underwater creatures and beings float and swim in air as if they were underwater, so this all seems perfectly normal to me 😁🧜🧜‍♂️🐬🐠🐙

  • I figured out how to describe it.

    "You see a 'tunnel of water' about 3 feet off the ground. It is about 5 feet in diameter. You see small fish swimming in it, moving fast. A dark shape follows them."

    Update, yes, room 41 includes the shark pit and the rock with kelp on them. One of the largest side rooms for this level.

    I haven't done much of the left and bottom of the main room I was doing originally. I'll get to that tomorrow or the next day or so.

    5000 pixel in my gallery. I think there are enough to show the map changes and size progression.

    [Deleted User]MonsenLoopysueWyvern
  • I'm currently working on the text for more of the rooms/areas on this map, before I start on level 3.

    Level 3 will have a tunnel, or two, leading away from the hill, The Hidden.

    I am thinking about making several small cave areas as locations, maybe rest areas, as part of the tunnels. I'll have to make an overall map so they can be linked to.

  • Oh, someone asked where one of my Atlas megadungeon maps in my gallery had gone to, so I put it back.

    Hopefully the one I put back was the one they were looking for.

  • I'm partially done typing up the text for level 2. Moved some of the room numbers so they are on rocks, instead of in the rooms.

  • JimPJimP 🖼️ 280 images Cartographer
    edited June 2022

    Here is the text and map for level 2. If there are no corrections, additions, etc. I'll get to work on level 3 next week.

    Maybe I can work on it Friday, but I'll be too tired on Monday. 5000 pixel jpg in my gallery.

    Here we go.

    Different inhabitants used this level for different reasons.

    Yes, these room walls are 2 feet thick. But if characters knock on them with a fist or metal item, they wont sound hollow. Several magic mouths, or ilusional sounds, which make sounds like a large bronze gong to cover the hollow sounds the walls make.

    Note that the rock piles channel anyone walking into these caves. A Ranger or Dwarf might notice some piles look artificial in that they are carefully placed to look like debris tossed out of the way of any digging.

    The rooms are basically regular dungeon rooms placed inside a large cave. Until the characters get out of these regular dungeon rooms, it will be difficult to notice they are in a gigantic cave.

    The cave height varies from 30' to 80'.

    1) Spiral stairs leads down from level 01. About 230' x 200' x 50' high. The stairs down to level 3 are behind a secret door and room, in room 43.

    Two small ruined buildings.

    South building; 5 small plants. Digging in the sand might result in a few copper and silver coins of unknown origin. Some have a sillohoutte of a man's head and face, some have a woman's.

    Northeast building; 11 piles of green leaves. They don't match the living leaves from the 3 trees. A pile of small skulls.

    Northwest corner; 3 skeletons behind 7 sack cloths. Sand in the sacks.

    Large animal skeletons, one each, between the large trees. These trees sometimes make noises like the wind has moved them, but there is no wind.

    A large gold colored bull blocks the exit. It doesn't appear to move. If a character watches closely, one ear will turn towards the group, then back forward. It could be an illuson, or a strong herd animal that attacks.

    2) 200' x 100' regular doors. secret door to 28.

    Two larch trees, a large tree, and several piles of leaves that didn't come from any of these trees.

    One pile of leaves could be hiding a small treasure.

    Between room 2 and 3 is a portcullis. No mechanism can be found to open it. Push on the right side and it will swing open.

    3 ) 100' x 300' x 20'

    Two larch trees. Small bird sounds can be heard coming from the branches. No birds to be seen. A carefuly done search might find two or three small lizards... they are the ones making the bird sounds. They wont attack, but will run if threatened.

    A registration desk is next to a spike barricade. Behind that is a green arrow floating in the air. Three sarcophagi growing toadstools. The fourth one has a skeleton in it. Chains on the floor next to the skeleton sarcophagus.

    On the table is a jewelry box. A few gems and a necklace are inside.

    The passageway east of this room leads out into the main cave.

    4 ) 100' diameter circle x 30' high. Evil idol down in the water. Seven pews across the south part of the room. Two open chests near the west wall.

    A sacrifice slab on the north wall. Looks very clean, no dust.

    Southwest area of this room, a wood door opens out to the main cave.

    5) an irregular area of rocks. West side is room 20. To the right is room 7. Dusty.

    6 ) 200' x 100' x 25' ( Northwest part of the map.)

    Debris, a nice water well, 2 open pits. Secret door leads to room 4.

    7) South side; irregular area of rock and silvery dust. No value. Scratches on some rocks.

    8) top of map; a basically triangular room, marked off on one side by moss covered rocks.

    9) a small room with rocks around it. ( right side of map.)

    10) About 70' x about 40' x 50' Two large moss covered rocks. ( left side of map.)

    11) West side of map; a skeleton and a few coins on the floor.

    12 ) Bottom of map; A large area south of the polluted water. Empty of all but dust. A few coins of small worth might be found here.

    13 ) North side of the map is about 50' x 30' area overlooking the cliffs above the polluted water. Footprints.

    14 ) East of northern beach brown sand area; A rock walled area up from the beach. Sand and some dust.

    15 ) About 750' x about 30' x 50' overlooks the Northeast cliffs. Large cracked area.

    16) About 50' x about 30' x 50' Looks like it might have been a last stand area, but no askeletons, nor any debris is here. North side of map.

    17 ) North of room 2; A small room with stone walls, and part of room 3 walls.

    18 ) A small room with stone walls, and part of room 3 walls. Overlooks the western cliffs.

    rooms 19 through 21 are at south side.

    19) 80' x 30' x 20' rock and wood debris. Ruins of a small hut. Five piles of cloth debris. Some might have usable clothes in them. But not much more than town street clothes.

    20 ) 10' x 20' x 20' skeleton scattered on the floor, small chest with a treasure.

    20 A ) ? x 50' x 20' wood barricades and skeletons, trying to defend from something in room 21. A campfire, two treasure chests. Large cracked area in the floor. Large leaf tree, no leaves on the floor.

    20 B ) a rock void. The well contains good clean water. The coins visible deep down are an illusion.

    21 ) 50' x 10' x 20' skeleton scattered on the floor, small chest with a treasure. Has a short sword with scabbard.

    22 ) Odd-shaped area between rooms 1, 2, and 28. Clean, appears to be sand, but there is only sand looking floor.

    23 ) An area east of the middle brown sand area, rows of rocks. Five empty barrels dot the area.

    24 ) West side, towards the southwest corner; 60' x from 10' to 50' wide x 30' high area, sandy floor.

    25 ) West of room 17; A small cave area, empty but for sand and dust.

    26 ) at north end; a small area with rocks separating it from 13 and 16. Sandy floor.

    27 ) A diagonal area of rocks, just east of the Sacred Grove.

    28 ) North of room 1; about 110' x about 110' x 25' Treasure chest west side, wood debris, and piles of lumber. Two piles of skulls by the tree.

    29 ) East of room 1; is an area that has cliffs overlooking the polluted water in area 30. A narrow path between rocks and room 1 that leads to area 12.

    30 ) Large area center of the cave; A large polluted water area. It could have been forced into the hill by a deity, or it was dug out and the water became rancid which is why there is no one currently here. Living anyway.

    The cliffs are up to 20 feet high.

    The Olde Temple: from the main cave floor there are a few wall parts still above water. They might be unstable.

    The Stepping Stones can be used to go from the main cave floor across the water to the east side. Some are covered with moss.

    Or the characters could just walk around.

    The Guard House is where the Temple Guards once lived.

    Kelp Forest looks planned.

    Sacred Grove was once a worship area. Beware !

    There are three schools of fish. Two moves slowly around in the water. The other never seems to move, but a careful watcher will notice one fish break free, swim a short distance away from the school, and then appears to be dragged back.

    31 ) Northwest corner; a treasure, out in the open.

    32 ) Northeast of room 4; A treasure and an opened chest, behind some rocks. A skeleton and dried blood around the open chest.

    33 ) in the Northwest corner: An odd shaped cave area. Very old dried blood on the sand.

    34 ) East of room 15; about 80 ' x about 50' x 50' two skeletons on the sandy floor.

    35 ) East side: A long narrow cave, north-south.

    36 ) East side: A long narrow area, east-west.

    37 ) Eastern side of the map; about 50' x about 60' x 55' with a rock on the sandy soil.

    38 ) Next to room 37; A small area with rocks on 3 sides.

    39 ) East side of map; A rocky room, southeast to northwest, sandy floor

    40 ) about 150' x about 240' x 60' The shark in the blue water pit has learned how to travel down to the kelp area south end of this room. A tunnel of water forms in front of the shark. it can attack any being that encounters this moving tunnel of water. The water is about 3 feet off the floor. It varies from 10' to 30' in diameter.

    The kelp covered rocks to the right of the number 27 are part of this room.

    41 ) 90' x 25' x 80' dry, sandy. A possible refuge from the shark attacks in room 40.

    42 ) about 180' x from 25' to 60' wide x 30' high. The location marked B is an easily moved secret door into this area.

    43 ) about 100' x about 20' x 30' siral stairs down to level 3. Two secret doors, in the smaller boulders, lead into this room.

    43 B ) A chest that looks open, but that is an illusion.

    Edit. Fixed around 9 typos. Back to sleep.

    [Deleted User]MonsenWyvern
  • I noticed more typos, so I'll run this through a spellchecker. Editpadlite doesn't have one.

  • JimPJimP 🖼️ 280 images Cartographer
    edited June 2022

    Ran it through OpenOffice Writer, and fixed the typos.

    Here we go.

    Different inhabitants used this level for different reasons.

    Yes, these room walls are 2 feet thick. But if characters knock on them with a fist or metal item, they wont sound hollow. Several magic mouths, or ilusional sounds, which make sounds like a large bronze gong to cover the hollow sounds the walls make.

    Note that the rock piles channel anyone walking into these caves. A Ranger or Dwarf might notice some piles look artificial in that they are carefully placed to look like debris tossed out of the way of any digging.

    The rooms are basically regular dungeon rooms placed inside a large cave. Until the characters get out of these regular dungeon rooms, it will be difficult to notice they are in a gigantic cave.

    The cave height varies from 30' to 80'.

    1) Spiral stairs leads down from level 01. About 230' x 200' x 50' high. The stairs down to level 3 are behind a secret door and room, in room 43.

    Two small ruined buildings.

    South building; 5 small plants. Digging in the sand might result in a few copper and silver coins of unknown origin. Some have a silhouette of a man's head and face, some have a woman's.

    Northeast building; 11 piles of green leaves. They don't match the living leaves from the 3 trees. A pile of small skulls.

    Northwest corner; 3 skeletons behind 7 sack cloths. Sand in the sacks.

    Large animal skeletons, one each, between the large trees. These trees sometimes make noises like the wind has moved them, but there is no wind.

    A large gold colored bull blocks the exit. It doesn't appear to move. If a character watches closely, one ear will turn towards the group, then back forward. It could be an illusion, or a strong herd animal that attacks.

    2) 200' x 100' regular doors. secret door to 28.

    Two larch trees, a large tree, and several piles of leaves that didn't come from any of these trees.

    One pile of leaves could be hiding a small treasure.

    Between room 2 and 3 is a portcullis. No mechanism can be found to open it. Push on the right side and it will swing open.

    3 ) 100' x 300' x 20'

    Two larch trees. Small bird sounds can be heard coming from the branches. No birds to be seen. A carefully done search might find two or three small lizards... they are the ones making the bird sounds.

    They wont attack, but will run if threatened.

    A registration desk is next to a spike barricade. Behind that is a green arrow floating in the air. Three sarcophagi growing toadstools. The fourth one has a skeleton in it. Chains on the floor next to the skeleton sarcophagus.

    On the table is a jewelry box. A few gems and a necklace are inside.

    The passageway east of this room leads out into the main cave.

    4 ) 100' diameter circle x 30' high. Evil idol down in the water. Seven pews across the south part of the room. Two open chests near the west wall.

    A sacrifice slab on the north wall. Looks very clean, no dust.

    Southwest area of this room, a wood door opens out to the main cave.

    5) an irregular area of rocks. West side is room 20. To the right is room 7. Dusty.

    6 ) 200' x 100' x 25' ( Northwest part of the map.)

    Debris, a nice water well, 2 open pits. Secret door leads to room 4.

    7) South side; irregular area of rock and silvery dust. No value. Scratches on some rocks.

    8) top of map; a basically triangular room, marked off on one side by moss covered rocks.

    9) a small room with rocks around it. ( right side of map.)

    10) About 70' x about 40' x 50' Two large moss covered rocks. ( left side of map.)

    11) West side of map; a skeleton and a few coins on the floor.

    12 ) Bottom of map; A large area south of the polluted water. Empty of all but dust. A few coins of small worth might be found here.

    13 ) North side of the map is about 50' x 30' area overlooking the cliffs above the polluted water. Footprints.

    14 ) East of northern beach brown sand area; A rock walled area up from the beach. Sand and some dust.

    15 ) About 750' x about 30' x 50' overlooks the Northeast cliffs. Large cracked area.

    16) About 50' x about 30' x 50' Looks like it might have been a last stand area, but no skeletons, nor any debris is here. North side of map.

    17 ) North of room 2; A small room with stone walls, and part of room 3 walls.

    18 ) A small room with stone walls, and part of room 3 walls. Overlooks the western cliffs.

    rooms 19 through 21 are at south side.

    19) 80' x 30' x 20' rock and wood debris. Ruins of a small hut. Five piles of cloth debris. Some might have usable clothes in them. But not much more than town street clothes.

    20 ) 10' x 20' x 20' skeleton scattered on the floor, small chest with a treasure.

    20 A ) 200' x 50' x 20' wood barricades and skeletons, trying to defend from something in room 21 or something coming in from the cave. A campfire, two treasure chests. Large cracked area in the floor. Large leaf tree, no leaves on the floor.

    20 B ) a rock void. The well contains good clean water. The coins visible deep down are an illusion.

    21 ) 50' x 10' x 20' skeleton scattered on the floor, small chest with a treasure. Has a short sword with scabbard.

    22 ) Odd-shaped area between rooms 1, 2, and 28. Clean, appears to be sand, but there is only sand looking floor.

    23 ) An area east of the middle brown sand area, rows of rocks. Five empty barrels dot the area.

    24 ) West side, towards the southwest corner; 60' x from 10' to 50' wide x 30' high area, sandy floor.

    25 ) West of room 17; A small cave area, empty but for sand and dust.

    26 ) at north end; a small area with rocks separating it from 13 and 16. Sandy floor.

    27 ) A diagonal area of rocks, just east of the Sacred Grove.

    28 ) North of room 1; about 110' x about 110' x 25' Treasure chest west side, wood debris, and piles of lumber. Two piles of skulls by the tree.

    29 ) East of room 1; is an area that has cliffs overlooking the polluted water in area 30. A narrow path between rocks and room 1 that leads to area 12.

    30 ) Large area center of the cave; A large polluted water area. It could have been forced into the hill by a deity, or it was dug out and the water became rancid which is why there is no one currently here.

    Living anyway.

    The cliffs are up to 20 feet high.

    The Olde Temple: from the main cave floor there are a few wall parts still above water. They might be unstable.

    The Stepping Stones can be used to go from the main cave floor across the water to the east side.

    Some are covered with moss.

    Or the characters could just walk around.

    The Guard House is where the Temple Guards once lived.

    Kelp Forest looks planned.

    Sacred Grove was once a worship area. Beware !

    There are three schools of fish. Two moves slowly around in the water. The other never seems to move,

    but a careful watcher will notice one fish break free, swim a short distance away from the school, and

    then appears to be dragged back.

    31 ) Northwest corner; a treasure, out in the open.

    32 ) Northeast of room 4; A treasure and an opened chest, behind some rocks. A skeleton and dried blood around the open chest.

    33 ) in the Northwest corner: An odd shaped cave area. Very old dried blood on the sand.

    34 ) East of room 15; about 80 ' x about 50' x 50' two skeletons on the sandy floor.

    35 ) East side: A long narrow cave, north-south.

    36 ) East side: A long narrow area, east-west.

    37 ) Eastern side of the map; about 50' x about 60' x 55' with a rock on the sandy soil.

    38 ) Next to room 37; A small area with rocks on 3 sides.

    39 ) East side of map; A rocky room, southeast to northwest, sandy floor

    40 ) about 150' x about 240' x 60' The shark in the blue water pit has learned how to travel down to the kelp area south end of this room. A tunnel of water forms in front of the shark. it can attack any being that encounters this moving tunnel of water. The water is about 3 feet off the floor. It varies from 10' to 30' in diameter.

    The kelp covered rocks to the right of the number 27 are part of this room.

    41 ) 90' x 25' x 80' dry, sandy. A possible refuge from the shark attacks in room 40.

    42 ) about 180' x from 25' to 60' wide x 30' high. The location marked B is an easily moved secret door into this area.

    43 ) about 100' x about 20' x 30' spiral stairs down to level 3. Two secret doors, in the smaller boulders, lead into this room.

    43 B ) A chest that looks open, but that is an illusion.

    If you notice any grammar or spelling errors I didn't catch, please post. I did catch form when I meant from.

    edit: And added text to room 20 A.

    [Deleted User]Loopysue
  • Start of level 3. Wood barricades and a ballista in room 2.

    What do you think of room 6 ? How do you think I did it ?

    5000 jpg in my gallery.

    Loopysue[Deleted User]MonsenWyvern
  • LoopysueLoopysue ProFantasy 🖼️ 39 images Cartographer

    Looks interesting :)

    Was it a colour key cut out, Jim?

  • Like the barricades Jim. What did you use, and how did you do it?

  • JimPJimP 🖼️ 280 images Cartographer
    edited June 2022

    Not a cutout.

    The barricades are symbols in csuac.

    edit: under CSUAC/DA Structures. Barricades are in the list.

  • The three options for Room 6 would be Color Key, Multipoly (both of which seem not to have been the case from your "Not a cutout" note), which leaves drawing several separate pieces of floor texture with walls added later. The slight offsets on the right-hand side passageway suggest that was one of the separate pieces.

  • JimPJimP 🖼️ 280 images Cartographer
    edited June 2022

    The walls weren't done separately.

    edit: The right hand vertical area, my hand slipped.

  • Well. I'll go ahead and say it was the room and passageway tools only.

  • I got busier on Monday than I thought. I'll work on this when I next can.

  • Update; some room symbols have been added. Please post any suggestions or criticisms.

    1 ) entrance from level 2. Has two trees showing autumnal leaves.

    2 ) barricades, 2 broken barrels, a ballista, and two piles of skulls east of the barricades.

    3 ) a large circular room; partioned off is a living area with beds, a stove, table and chairs, food storage. A crate of pears and a crate of apples. Outside the partition are two crates with valuable looking stone heads and a barrel.

    4 ) empty of all but dust, no foot prints. A ranger of elf might spot that there were footprints, but they have been smoothed over. Side room has wood debris and a small chest.

    5 ) A cave and a passageway that leads to the north side of The Hidden hill.

    6 ) A room of an outer rectangular 'ring' and an inner rectangular room. Giant beetles in the outer area, two trolls with meat trays so they don't attack the beetles, and one small 10' x 10' x 10' room where a lone adventurer died while trying to avoid being eaten by either the trolls or the beetles.

    7 ) Two trees, a cauldron, and a table. Anyone entering the room and walking over to the cauldron or table will hear whispering 'climb into the cauldron for a nice hot bath...'. How the trees will dine on whomever climbs into the cooking cauldron is unknown.

    8 ) An L-shaped room off the passageway. The secret door is marked by the wood debris. A broken board and a small chest are in the room.

    9 ) A hidden room. Three heads on spikes seem to be a warning, but only two broken chairs are visible.

    10 A ) tropical trees

    10 B ) Winter/snow trees with two ogres who are ordered to defend the chest and crates.

    10 C ) Desert cacti, with giant ants guarding the area.

    5000 pixel jpg in my gallery so you can see the details.

    Loopysue[Deleted User]MonsenWyvernRicko Hasche
  • Thanks.

    I'll probably add a few more things to the above map.

    I was thinking about making several cave rooms, under 100' x 100' as rooms along the passageway to the North side of this hill. The last one would be 5E, for exit.

    What do you think ?

  • Got to be up to you Jim - you're doing the mapping!

    Is the tiny black triangle in the lowest left corner an artefact of the rendering, or is there actually something there that maybe shouldn't be?

  • I'm kinda looking for advice.

    Lower left. Probably a symbol placement hiccup.

  • MonsenMonsen Administrator 🖼️ 51 images Cartographer

    Is the tiny black triangle in the lowest left corner an artefact of the rendering, or is there actually something there that maybe shouldn't be?

    That's probably a sheet pin. While not needed anymore, many older templates have them. They become visible if you show the TEMPLATE layer.

  • Ah, I do hide and freeze the template. Must have forgotten to check. Been a bit tired this week.

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