Community Atlas - Forlorn Archipelago - Fisher Isle, several villages and surrounding areas



  • LoopysueLoopysue ProFantasy 🖼️ 39 images Cartographer

    The idea seems ok, and maybe a little more thickness to the walls might make it clearer.

  • I would like some feedback on the questions I asked.

    Sorry Jim, not seeing any actual questions in your last couple of posts here. Should this comment have been added to a different topic, perhaps?

    Some of the symbols might be on the wrong Sheets, as the colouring looks very different, including some of the ruined walls on the "sandy" floor area, and a lot of the rocks - most obvious in the group south of Room 2, but there are others elsewhere.

    Do the two large stretches of thinner cavern walls on the western side of the map have any significance, or are they simply awaiting more rocks filling up the space to the map border? They're not labelled, so I assumed this might be the case.

  • LoopysueLoopysue ProFantasy 🖼️ 39 images Cartographer

    There were a couple much higher up which I answered above, but maybe Wyvern is right? You have several threads on the go right now.

  • JimPJimP 🖼️ 280 images Cartographer
    edited June 2022

    Probably a page or two back.

    I'll try to remember, then look back.

    The three brown dirt areas on the right side. Those bother me a bit.

    Yes, the west walls will be thickened up.

    Okay, the other questions were answered.

    Edit: And the Blend mode I used. Is it a good one ? Or should I look at more of them ?

  • LoopysueLoopysue ProFantasy 🖼️ 39 images Cartographer

    Why do the brown dirt areas bother you?

    Blend modes are more about what you like the look of. I don't generally use them on symbols. The cliff symbols are mapped symbols, a bit like house rooftops, so you could exaggerate the shading by using a lower angle of global sun.

  • Not sure I've ever used the Blend mode, so am pleased Sue's already jumped in on that one.

    The three brown areas do have a very sharp line across where the sandy lower cavern floor cuts across them, which I assumed would be addressed later on. The downside with work-in-progress topics is I'm often not clear which items are more nearly finished in them.

    I'm guessing it's the general disconnect that you're finding problematic, with that darker piece each as well as the sharp dividing line where they overlie the sandy lower cavern area. Presumably, that wasn't what you wanted there. So you need to identify what the three areas are meant to be and where they are in relation to everything else nearby (higher or lower, or simply a different floor texture, say). That might give us some better ideas what to suggest to help.

  • I want the 3 brown areas to blend in better with the water. Not sure how to fix that white line around the water area.

    On my cell. Not really able to work on the map right now.

  • LoopysueLoopysue ProFantasy 🖼️ 39 images Cartographer

    The white line on the water is just a sheet effect. I can't remember off the top of my head right now which ones or how many, but try unchecking the effects on that sheet.

    What are those 3 brown areas?

  • Dirt, Brown, 2 bitmap.

    I'll check the sheet effects on the water.

    On my computer.

  • JimPJimP 🖼️ 280 images Cartographer
    edited June 2022

    Two glows on ---Ocean was doing it.

    And the room I said was number 6, is actually number 3. That is where I put the crypt symbols.

    The sarcophagus walls with a transparent bottom are great !

    edit: As for using blend on the cliff symbols, i was trying to get them to match better on the upper ground level.

    Still working on this map.

  • JimPJimP 🖼️ 280 images Cartographer
    edited June 2022

    Added some room numbers, made them size 20 instead of 30.

    I'm leaving some void areas in the rocks, so they can be used for bugs, rats, spiders, etc. living spaces.

    room 1 contains a regular sized spiral stairs down from level 1. I need to add more symbols to the rooms.

    5000 pixel jpg in my gallery, and I need to take a break for various reasons.

    Edit 5000 pixels, not 3000.

  • LoopysueLoopysue ProFantasy 🖼️ 39 images Cartographer

    Oh I see! I didn't see the sarcophagi before. I thought they might be quite useful :)

  • I'm working on, in my mind, a general theme for level 2. The sarcophagi would be a burial area. The water, well I'm of two thoughts on that.

    1) the water could be an area plunged into the mountain by an angry deity or it subsided.

    2) a water area was found, and the made a worship, etc. area, and it sank.

    C) then it became polluted.

    Yes, I didn't mean 3).

  • I forgot to do it today, but I need to go over my list of maps and see which ones are part of what area. Region, area, town/dungeon. Etc.

  • This is the list I came up with. Any corrections, please let me know.

    Forlorn Archipelago 

       Fisher Island 

          Fisher Bay , part of the area ( 1 map)

             Obsbnar area   ( 1 map)

             Grull's Village   ( 1 map)

          Dreadwood      ( 1 map)

             Deadly Hills   ( 1 map)

                orc villages ( 1 map)

             Empty Hills     ( 1 map)

                The Dark( 1 map)

                Level 1

                The Hidden ( 3 maps)

                Level 1, 2, 3

             Old Silver   ( 1 map)

             Orc town Dreghka   ( 1 map)

             Orc camp Chul   ( 1 map)

          The Plains of Tur      ( 1 map)

             Lost Village   ( 1 map)

    for 16 maps.

  • Updated map. I didn't want to put room numbers in the rooms... but I had to. I might widen rock areas and put the numbers on there. Which I did but some of the room numbers could be about more than one location.

    I think I can deal with that confusion by room descriptions.

    5000 pixel jpg in my gallery.

    Loopysue[Deleted User]
  • Thanks for the likes, I reach 1.2K earlier today. Compass rose and scale bar added. Added floor cracks.

    I might remove some of the room numbers. The map off where A and B are, east side, will be 250' x 500'.

    In room 4, circular, is a sunken evil idol.

    5000 pixel jpg in my gallery.

  • Should I delete the older bits for this map from my gallery as I no longer have them in the map ?

  • LoopysueLoopysue ProFantasy 🖼️ 39 images Cartographer

    It's up to you what you keep in your gallery, Jim. If you want them there, leave them. If you don't, delete them.

  • I was thinking about just the ones that are no longer in this most recent map.

  • MonsenMonsen Administrator 🖼️ 51 images Cartographer
    edited June 2022

    Personally, I think people's galleries look best if you only keep the finished products there, the WIP is best shown in a forum thread anyway. I like to look through people's galleries, and several very similar maps showing process don't really contribute imho.

    But that said, that's just how I like to see things. The gallery is yours, keep what you want there. There's no rule for what you put in your own gallery (Well, except for the size restriction, that it should be topical for this forum, and not in breach of the forum rules)

  • Some I deleted, some I left as I couldn't tell something or other about them.

    I'll keep your suggestions in mind.

  • Updated map for level 2 of The Hidden. I haven't detailed all rooms yet. I need to think about them.

    This map currently has the square grid of 20' x 20' so you can see the size of the map. Scale bars are hard for me to visualize.

    This is a combination of Annual Marine Dungeon, Marine dungeon 2, and DD3 Color Dungeon.

    The Hidden level 02.

    1) a large cave. Spiral stairs leads down from level 01. About 230' x 200' x 50' high.

    Two small ruined buildings.

    South building; 5 small plants. Digging in the sand might result in a few copper and silver coins of unknown origin.

    Northeast building; 11 piles of green leaves. They don't match the leaves form the 3 trees.

    Northwest corner; 3 skeletons behind 7 sack cloths. Sand in the sacks.

    Large animal skeletons, one each, between the large trees.

    A large gold colored bull blocks the exit. It doesn't appear to move. If a character watches closely, one ear will turn towards the group, then back forward.

    2 ) 200' x 100' regular doors.

    Two larch trees, a large tree, and several piles of leaves that didn't come from any of these trees.

    One pile of leaves could be hiding a small treasure.

    Between room 2 and 3 is a portcullis. No mechanism can be found to open it. Push on the right side and it will swing open.

    3 ) 100' x 300' x 20'

    Two larch trees. Small bird sounds can be heard coming from the branches. No birds to be seen.

    A registration desk is next to a spike barricade. Behind that is a green arrow floting in the air. Three sarcophagi growing toadstools. The fourth one has a skeleton in it. Chains on the floor next to the skeleton sarcophagus.

    On the table is a jewelry box.

    The passageway easy of this room leads out into the main cave.

    4 ) 100' diameter circle x 30' high. Evil idol down in the water. Seven pews across the south part of the room. Two open chests near the west wall.

    A sacrifice slab on the north wall. Looks very clean, no dust.

    Southwest area of this room, a wood door opens out to the main cave.

    5 ) 200' x 50' x 30'

    A locked metal door leads from the main cave into this room. Two large chests on the west wall.

    Dusty floor with tracks and footprints are so much walked over, it is difficult to determine what made them.

    6 ) 200' x 100' x 25'

    Debris, a nice water well, 2 open pits. Secret door leads to room 4.

    30 ) A large polluted water area. It could have been forced into the hill by a deity, or it was dug out and the water became rancid which is why there is no one currently here. Living anyway.

    The Olde Temple: from the main cave floor there are a few wall parts still above water. They might be unstable.

    The Stepping Stones can be used to go from the main cave floor across the water to the east side.

    Or the characters could just walk around.

    The Guard House is where the Temple Guards once lived.

    Kelp Forest looks planned.

    Sacred Grove was once a worship area. Beware !

    There are three schools of fish. Two moves slowly around in the water. The other never seems to move, but a careful watcher will notice one fish break free, swim a short distance away fomr the school, and then appears to be dragged back.

    31 ) a treasure, out in the open.

    32 ) A treasure and an opened chest, behind some rocks. A skeleton and dried blood around the open chest.

    [Deleted User]LoopysueMonsenWyvernWazzebuRicko Hasche
  • 'rocks rock' is used instead of something like 'the jumbles' as I already used the second phrase elsewhere.

    I see a few typos, and a few sound alikes in the above. I need to slow my typing down to computer speeds... well, I can type slow, or I can type faster than I can speak.

    Anyway, I'll continue work on this. I have startted the part that passageways A and B leads to, but I haven't done much.

    I could get to web forums this morning, but couldn't get several places, like Everquest II, I wanted to get to. All working now.

    Unless it is requested, I wont be numbering/lettering the numerous voids and hollows in the rocks around the above map.

  • This and other posts have over one thousand views.

    Folks, say something to the mappers. Do a like. I at least like a like feedback.

    Likes help me make maps.

    MonsenLoopysue[Deleted User]roflo1
  • Instead of mapping one large and one small map for second level, I've decided to just add to the current one for the stairs down to third level.

    Yeah, got to fix that typo... Thrid level indeed ! I don't think there are any thrids in this dungeon...

  • Thrids are more a nocturnal forest carniverous marsupial, whose only natural predator is the Drop Bear. Vegemite scares both these critters off.

  • Need to beware their larger cousins the Tooth Thrids though - very vicious. Worse, they love Vegemite...

  • Here is a water deep I'm adding... I'm not sure this is a good look or not.

    I tried bevel, but that looked raised up, not deep, to my eyes at least.

    This is edge fade, inner, and the middle has an inner glow added as well. I added part of the rock wall in, for comparison.

    I can add the 5000 pixel jog and the fcw if you need it. My eyes need a rest, but I'll check back later.

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