FT3: Is map generation fixed in the paid version, but not demo?

I've had the FT3 demo for 10 days now, and as I've gotten better with it, some of my initial frustrations are subsiding. But sometimes after editing a map, river generation just stops working. Apparently this is a known issue, since I've found old forum posts here mentioning it:


My question is this: a blog post from last year—


—mentions fixing river generation in FT3+. Is this a reference to the editing-sometimes-breaks-river-generation issue, or something else? If it is, can anyone confirm that in their experience FT3+ was really an improvement? I don't super want to shell out $40+ for a product where something so basic is broken.

Best Answer

  • jslaytonjslayton Moderator, ProFantasy Mapmaker
    Accepted Answer

    The demo is still for FT3 (version 3.0.20), not FT3+ (version 3.5.x). FT3+ has had a fair amount of work in quite a few areas, including river generation and elimination of a lot of problems with the seam at the back of the world. The major problem that would happen from time to time is that an invalid floating-point value would be generated underneath the overlap on that seam, which would infect the river generation code and cause it to fail (this can manifest as the "bazillion low" value described in the post you referenced). FT3+ has features to eliminate those values and should also remove the hidden column in the seam, if I recall correctly.



  • LoopysueLoopysue ProFantasy 🖼️ 40 images Cartographer

    The demo version is (as far as I am aware) a very reduced and rather old version, sufficient only as a demo.

  • jslaytonjslayton Moderator, ProFantasy Mapmaker
    Accepted Answer

    The demo is still for FT3 (version 3.0.20), not FT3+ (version 3.5.x). FT3+ has had a fair amount of work in quite a few areas, including river generation and elimination of a lot of problems with the seam at the back of the world. The major problem that would happen from time to time is that an invalid floating-point value would be generated underneath the overlap on that seam, which would infect the river generation code and cause it to fail (this can manifest as the "bazillion low" value described in the post you referenced). FT3+ has features to eliminate those values and should also remove the hidden column in the seam, if I recall correctly.

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