Bug/Error found in basic documentation.
Hi, so how do I find out stuff when my first time in to the software, I get this error:-
I just clicked in the html help file to get that result, as I wanted to know what top right/left/bottom left/right buttons were for in the wizard for city generation. I clicked the button as displayed and that's what happened. I'm never going to learn it at this rate.
HTML help is not the most reliable way of getting help these days.
I recommend the pdf manual ;)
Or if you prefer to learn by watching there are all kinds of tutorials available here: https://forum.profantasy.com/discussion/10519/video-tutorials/p1
Well, you know, it's just that that's the help which pops up automatically, directly linking to something relevant, so I don't have to spend hours of my life scouring the internet for just a tiny piece of information, and then poof, magic broken program dust is sprinkled and so I ended up here... It's not a great way to be going on, and I had enthusiasm and everything to create a simple, but huge sci-fi city.
Windows did a number on various software help files by not keeping them up to date.
We are rather helpful. And there are videos on YouTube as well.
'Tis the windows, not allowing us to see. Mmhm.
I shall certainly be looking elsewhere for help other than the one source of course. I merely thought to mention this error in the hope that it might become fixed at some point. :)