Cobblestone Pixilation
Hey guys, I’ve got a problem with one of my maps; when I export it in high resolution everything comes crystal clear, except for the cobblestone titles. It comes out pixilated beyond use. At first I thought it was the fill bitmaps in general, but I realized the first part of my map, dark flagstone, came out fine. Alittle pixilated but nothing you wouldn’t expect.
Have I committed a newbie blunder, or is the Cobblestone fill unsuited for high resolution? (Looking at printing it out with each grid 1 inch by 1 inch)
Have I committed a newbie blunder, or is the Cobblestone fill unsuited for high resolution? (Looking at printing it out with each grid 1 inch by 1 inch)
You also might want to try exporting as BMP or PNG (rather than JPG) from CC3, then converting to other image formats (PNG, JPG, GIF) in an another program like Fireworks or GIMP to see if that improves your results.
1) Import bmp, png, etc. into Irvanview.
2) select Image Menu -> Decrease color depth
3) in Custom I type in 202 for number of colors. Click Okay.
4) save as or save the file. I usualy get a file reduction size. Sometimes it doesn't work.
I chose 202 as the minimum number to avoid speckles, crud, etc. in the resulting file. Using less than 200 didn't work for me. Well, it did with bmps and pngs i created in CC2. I incremented it by 1 color until it looked good again for CC3 graphic files. What you come up with for color numbers might vary from what I came up with.
I find this works best on png files, but works most of the time on bmps.
[Channeling a certain someone] Don't put lossy jpgs on your web sites.