Missing Dungeon Symbols

Hello, I'm an enthusiastic new user (well, I used it back in the early 90s, but it's been updated a lot since then). I bought CC3 a few months ago with the Humble sale, but I'm just getting around to trying to learn it now.

When I go to the Map Menu or the City Menu, I can click on all the second-row buttons and see a full menu of symbols appear on the left side of the screen. However, when I go to the Dungeon Menu and click on the second-row buttons, I get a box popping up that says "Select Catalog Symbols" and a box that says "Available Symbol Catalogs," but the box underneath is blank, and none of the other buttons do anything. I can't see any Dungeon symbols when I click on any of the thirteen buttons along the second row (Cave, Containers and Treasure, Debris, Elemental, etc). Needless to say, the Dungeon symbols are the ones I most need for my current project.

I'm assuming I missed downloading a file or group of files that should have supplied the Dungeon symbols. Does anyone know where I need to go to get the missing file or files, and where I ought to save them on my computer once I get them?


  • LoopysueLoopysue ProFantasy 🖼️ 40 images Cartographer

    Hello BruceGee, and welcome back :)

    Make sure that you have downloaded and installed all your purchased software, and that you have also downloaded and installed the latest CC3+ update? That is Update 27, which is available on your downloads page when you log in to your PF account. If that doesn't help, contact Tech Support using the Support tab at the end of the row of tabs on your account page.

  • RalfRalf Administrator, ProFantasy 🖼️ 18 images Mapmaker

    Also, make sure to start a Dungeon map first to get the right-selection of dungeon symbols. Click the New button, choose the map type "Dungeon" and then an appropriate dungeon style. Note that "CC3 Dungeon" is a cut-down style with few symbols, make sure to use "DD3 Dungeon" instead of that.

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