Hotkey for swapping sheets/layers?

Hello everyone, I just had a quick question for some of the more knowledgeable folks around here. I have a lot of symbols that I work with that are not part of any asset packs. They're just a collection of png's and jpg's that I have lying around that I use for symbols. Generally to load the set I want at the time, I just click the little symbol folder import sign and click on any file in the directory I want to load. Then all my symbols load and I can place them. I've never wanted to go through the effort to make custom menus for them, even though I use them all the time.

The issue is that when I use these symbols, they just go on whatever layer/sheet is currently active, so it slows down my workflow considerably to be constantly clicking and manually changing my sheet/layers. I was wondering if there were any hotkeys for just shifting up/down a layer or sheet. That would be immensely helpful since it's usually just adjacent layers I use for placing symbols with different amounts of lighting/shadows applied to them e.g. SYMBOLS_FLAT, SYMBOLS_SHORT, SYMBOLS, SYMBOLS_TALL, SYMBOLS_DECORATIVE.

If there's no way to easily toggle those, any other helpful tricks would be welcome, and if all is for naught, a link to some resources to help me learn how to make my own .FSC files and load them properly so I can use the context menus instead of my current workflow would be great. I just had to whip up a ton of maps for a ttrpg session and I know I could be doing this more efficiently. Thanks so much!


  • MonsenMonsen Administrator 🖼️ 51 images Cartographer

    You can use the macro commands GOLAYER and GOSHEET (or LAYER and SSET if you prefer an error message instead of creating a new layer/sheet if it doesn't exist)

    Using them by themselves may not speed up things too much since you need to specify the name, but you can then define your own named macros using something short and easy to go to a predefined sheet directly. And if you want the same command to just go to the next in a list, you should be able to set that up by using a variable to keep track of state and then using a conditional to activate the next sheet.

    You can also add your macro commands to the CC3+ menus. This allows you to easily activate it from a menu, but maybe of equal interest, you can add shortcut keys to any menu command. Read more about menu editing.

    Lastly, you can also use the SNEXT/SPREV to go to the next/previous sheet in the list. (There's no equivalent for layers)

  • mcg197mcg197 Newcomer

    SNEXT and SPREV are exactly what I'm looking for. Thank you so much, Monsen!

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