Can you Manually Draw Landmasses in FT3?

So I really like the look of the parchment map done for the Nov 2019 Annual -

I have yet to see a CC3 style that mimics that so I am assuming I will have to use FT3 and export the map. However, I do not want some random shaped landmass. I want a specific shape. So is there a way for me to draw the landmass shape I want in FT3? Or if there another way by which I could produce one of the FT3 looking maps using CC3?


  • LoopysueLoopysue ProFantasy 🖼️ 40 images Cartographer
    edited February 2022

    If you already have FT3 you can update to FT3+ for free. Or if you don't have FT3 at all, when you buy it you should also get the One Day Worldbuilder packaged with the app. That will help you draw your own world from scratch. The Supplementary Notes are the ones for that.

    Just so you can see it properly, here is an extract of the map. It's not a parchment texture, as you can see, but a bitmap export from a free app called Wilbur (instructions on how to produce these are included in the ODW), used as a background image for the a CC3 map.

  • Thanks. I have FT3+. I have the annual with this. I just didn't read the supplement yet. I will play around with that now.

  • LoopysueLoopysue ProFantasy 🖼️ 40 images Cartographer

    You're welcome :)

    It might be worth mentioning that although the Mapping Guide is called the One Day Worldbuilder, completing a whole world in a single day like that is easier if you start with a random world generated by FT3. Helena, which is the world I took that extract from above, took possibly 2 or 3 days to create. But it is worth taking a little longer to get the world just right.

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