Annual Vol 15 Complete Setup Broken

I downloaded and tried to install the complete setup file for Annual Vol. 15 so last year would be added to the "Add-Ons" menu in CC3+ and got the following error message after the InstallAware Wizard was finished:

Could someone please fix this and upload it to my downloads page?


  • Jeff BJeff B Betatester 🖼️ 38 images Surveyor
    edited January 2022

    I just downloaded mine and installed it without any issues. Have you tried downloading it again from the website maybe something happened to your installer file during the download process. I assume you entered the correct serial number when you went to install it.

  • I didn't even get that far. The error message above popped up immediately after the InstallAware Wizard finished. I did the download and install twice from my registered downloads page and the same thing happened. It's not critical since I installed the monthly issues as they appeared but until I can install the Annual setup this volume won't show up on the CC3+ Tools → Add-ons menu.
  • ScottAScottA Surveyor

    Hm... I downloaded and installed mine a day or two ago and had no problems.

  • I tried a third time and it seems to be working now. Must have been line noise corrupting the other downloads. (Well that's why we have the InstallAware Wizard in the first place.)
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