Wondering what I need to get
Hi there, I'm on the verge of becoming a 3PP for 4E Dungeons and Dragons and I was wondering what all I need for complete maps to go with my adventures. I know the main Campaign Cartographer 3 does overland maps, but does it include making maps for actual dungeons and small towns? Trying to be frugal and buy only what I need to get started.
The addons comes with a lot of tools/fills/symbols/++ that makes making maps of the type they represent much easier, but they are not absolutely required. CC3 does not contain any artificial restrictions that prevent you from making any kind of map. I would highly recommend getting the appropriate addons for the best results however.
1. For a satellite view of an entire world, FTPro is a good option. You can very quickly generate random worlds with a few clicks.
2. For a aircraft view of an area, CC3 is best (overland maps). This is where you would be interested in scale in miles and geographic features such as mountains.
3. For a helicopter view of a town layout, CD3 is best (city designer add-on). You can quickly plot streets and buildings.
4. For a troop's view of buildings and dungeons then DD3 is best (dungeon designer add-on). This is where you'd expect to see internal staircases, altars, doors, beer kegs etc..
Cutting across all of that are the Annuals which enrich your options for artwork/style. They can be for any/all of tiers 2-4 as well as other things such as ship design and family crests.
Then there are the add-ons which are called Symbol Sets - they extend artwork/styles too but provide a specific flavour to views 2-4 above. With CC3 you can produce vanilla overland maps, but with SS1 you get some nice icons that you'd expect to see on a map of a fantasy world e.g. a representation of a walled city. Think of SS1 and SS2 as the chocolate sauce and rainbow sprinkles for your fantasy world creations. If you want a modern world, get SS3 (let's call that strawberry sauce).
Hope that makes sense? Now I feel like an ice-cream.