Varicolor and default color symbols

I placed a row of Varicolor mountain symbols on my map, then later realized this is the wrong mountain range. I like the way they are set, their position and everything, but I want to change them to the default symbols instead of the varicolor symbols.

Is there a way to change varicolor symbols to the default symbols en-masse ?

Thank you!


  • MonsenMonsen Administrator 🖼️ 51 images Cartographer

    You can do mass replace from the symbol manager. Just pick the symbol to replace, and then pick the one to replace it with. Note that the symbol you wish to replace with already have to be placed in the map once, otherwise it won't be in the symbol manager list.

    Note that you can only replace one symbol type at a time, there isn't a way to simply replace varicolor to non-varicolor.

  • IthrilIthril Traveler

    Great, Thank you.

    I expected there would be a way with the symbol manager, but I just wasn't certain. This is better than having to redraw that whole mountain range.


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