Created a TAPERPATH command

edited December 2021 in Macros and XPs

Figured for more visibility I would create a separate thread, but more details are available at

command will require:

  1. The User to select a path
  2. The User to select a point near the end of the path that will be the narrower end
  3. The User to type in the minimum line width
  4. The User to type in the maximum line width

The command will then explode the path and taper each line gradually.

Something I have observed is that you may find it best to change the fill style to solid if the path is currently set to hollow (before running the command) otherwise you have to try and select all the little pieces if you want to change it after. I do set an undo point so if you forget you can just undo the command.

The XP is attached within a zip file. If you want to use it you should unzip it to your install directory (default C:\Program Files (x86)\ProFantasy\CC3Plus), and to activate it type in TAPERPATH



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