FT3 and FT3+ Generation methods

I haven't seen much information on this side of things, but I'm curious if it is possible to create my own generation process and add it into FT3? (alternatively, is there much support for macros in FT3 in general?)

I recognize the current processes are likely quite complicated, but nevertheless I'm wondering if these are something that a user can add onto or alter and customize.

My hopes are that I might create a generation method for a gas-like planet, so then I can export the full planetary image for use in cosmographer. I have gotten some "meh" results playing with the parameters and scaling the Y by large amounts but it just doesn't quite get those smoky twirling bands like one tends to see like on Jupiter without becoming a streaky mess.

I also understand it might be a piece of the software that is important to be private for commercial reasons, but thought it wouldn't hurt to throw out the question.


  • jslaytonjslayton Moderator, ProFantasy Mapmaker

    No, the sort of processing that you're describing isn't directly possible with FT3+. Stretching one direction as you described can get something vaguely like a gas giant, but it's fairly limited:

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