The Duchy of Norwell - Peter Fenlon style map
Here's a map I did for BastionLightbringer on the EN World free map
request thread using the Peter Fenlon style pack from the January 2008
If anyone is interested in participating, here's a link to the EN World
Free Map Request Thread:
request thread using the Peter Fenlon style pack from the January 2008
If anyone is interested in participating, here's a link to the EN World
Free Map Request Thread:
What are the dimensions of this map?
I also had to customize a Fenlon template to match the dimensions/proportions of the image, so I redrew the map background, the white multipoly frame mask (which is essentially invisible) around the map area to cover up any overflow of symbols etc. past the map border, that sort of thing.
All of this serves to remind me I didn't include a scale bar or a directional compass. My bad...
Also, the symbols for cities, towns, etc. don't actually come with the Fenlon style pack. I created a CC3 symbol set from the AutoREALM true type font of mapping symbols, which I've attached below.
go to file - drawing properties, click on Drawing units and adjust it to (i think I've not had a lot of sleep) 0.25882 if i'm not wrong that should give you in the map the right scale.
When I get home, I'll check my map and give you the sheet effects and the settings used for this map. Depending on the size of your map, you may have to adjust the setting numbers in the effects to get it to look right with your map.