Maps Bonanza Humble Bundle Questions

Hello, all -

I purchased the recent Humble Bundle for a friend to introduce him to ProFantasy. He's primarily interested in making battle maps, so I wonder is it possible to make battle maps on CC3+ using the art packages in the bundle?

I ask because the Humble Bundle does not include Dungeon Designer.

Any help and tutorials around this would be appreciated as I'm going to walk him through the software to get him off to a good start.

Thanks in advance for all of your help!



  • LoopysueLoopysue ProFantasy 🖼️ 40 images Cartographer

    You can make battlemaps in CC3 alone these days. All the dungeon tools are built in.

    There is also a built in dungeon style - Jon Roberts. If you have the whole bundle you also have Dungeon's of Schley (Symbol Set 4), which is one of the main styles I've seen being used for all kinds of dungeon maps ranging from house plans to caverns.

    I think there are also some of the dungeon style annuals included in the full bundle.

    The easiest way to see what you have in the way of dungeon styles is to open a new map and pick the Dungeons map type with Decide Settings myself. That will list all the available templates and give you a small thumbnail of each one as you select it.

    (I have everything, so my list is probably a bit longer than your friend's will be, but I have picked the Jon Roberts style to show you one I know you will definitely have, even if you only have the core app).

  • @Loopysue - Thanks for clarifying! I thought you needed to have Dungeon Designer to do that.

    Have a great day!

  • LoopysueLoopysue ProFantasy 🖼️ 40 images Cartographer

    You're welcome, Thomas

    I hope your friend enjoys the present :)

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