Where are the Tutorial File locations?

Documentation is all over the place with CC3. I can usually find the annual PDFs. However, I also noticed I have FCW files marked tutorial or my first maps. Presumably, there is documentation that goes along with these files. I am pretty sure I have seen the PDFs of these, but maybe I am remembering it wrong.

So are there tutorials for the base program that go along with these? If so, where are they? If there aren't, then why are there FCW files labeled tutorials and first maps?


  • Look in the document folder in your data directory.

  • Thanks. I saw that. I think the issue is that I was looking for a similar walkthrough as the annuals, but for Mike Schley. All the documents there are essentials for different programs.

  • Cc3 comes with an Essentials guide as a pdf. The only other folder i can think of is Example or Examples. I forget if there is an s on there or not.

    But Essential guide is it.

  • MonsenMonsen Administrator 🖼️ 51 images Cartographer
    edited November 2021

    You should find the full user manual in @Documentation, as well as the Tome if you own it. All the files in @Tutorial should belong to one of the pdf's in @Documentation. Remember, even the quick start guides and essentials can have support files, they are mostly similar to the annual documentation, with a quick walkthrough of the program/add-on and making a sample map with it. The files in @Examples are just pure examples for you to look at, with no accompanying documentation.

    For a Schley-based tutorial, I guess the first map tutorial in the manual would be the place to go. (And/Or the one in the Tome)

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