WIP: Isle of the Purple Towns

edited November 2021 in Show and Tell

Here is a WIP of the next map for my Elric of Melnibone campaign.

For some reason I can't get the sheet effects to work properly but it's late, I'm tired and will have a good look when I'm fresher.

LoopysueRaikoJulianDracosMonsenRalfseycyrusCalibreRicko HascheDoubleDoubleWeathermanSweden


  • You know, when I click on a thread that says Island of the Purple Towns, I was expecting some purple of the map.

  • Well, I’m re-mapping Michael Moorcock’s, Young Kingdoms as part of my Elric of Melnibone campaign and I’m doing the overland maps in B&W to maintain that old school feel. This island is one of a couple of potential starting points which are getting done first. Regional, city and local maps will be in colour…so you will likely see “purple” towns😉

  • 20 days later
  • Wasn't overly happy with the above, so decided, in keeping with the old-school feel for these maps, to try it in the Revised Peter Fenlon style. Much happier. Still got a couple of rivers and the rest of the labeling to do (I have to look up the place names, the text on the source drawing is fairly illegible...).

    CalibreLoreleiLoopysueDaltonSpenceRicko HascheJimPAleDWeathermanSweden
  • I wonder if it was the dominance of the coastlines and rivers on the B&W version that was so off-putting? They seem to overpower the symbols there.

    The Pete Fenlon map looks a lot better in that regard, though I do wonder if the symbols on that version mightn't benefit from being a touch larger. The trees in particular seem very unclear because they're too small.

  • @Wyvern I agree, but as usual, I didn't make sure to put the symbols on the correct layers, there's a tip for newcomers, always check the layer before placing any feature, makes it so much easier to just select what you need particularly in 'busy'areas, so increasing them for this map is not worth the time and effort. It would be easier to delete and redo them. Anyhow, here is the 'finished'map, well as finished as it's going to get for my game at any rate. If it was for publication I'd spend more time on it.

    JimPLoopysueDakRicko HascheCalibre
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