Making Roads "pop" over forests/other symbols/creating space for themselves
Late one night I remember stumbling on a technique to make roads "clear a path" through the forest symbols. Something about making them "pop" (perhaps something to do with sheet effects creating a "blur" and/or some sort of macro that set a min distance other symbols could be from the road, causing them to "scootch" out of the way . For the life of me I can't find it again
I know this is vague, but perhaps someone can help me if any of this rings a bell.
Thank you
It depends a lot on how you made the forest. If you used a FOREST drawing tool, then you have block of different-sized fill symbols covering the area. That's hard to run a path through. If you used a SYMFILL drawing tool, then you have a lot of single fill symbols in the area. You can use SYMDELNEAR to pick the road and it will delete all symbols near the road ( Profantasy's Map-Making Journal » Blog Archive » Useful commands – Select nearby symbols & Delete nearby symbols shows how this looks).
If you used FOREST and still have a polygon still there that the forest was built from and want the variable-sized blocks, delete the forest symbols manually and the use FORESTX. It will ask you to select entities (select the forest boundary) and then to select entities again (select the river). It will place symbols through the forest but not around the river. Profantasy's Map-Making Journal » Blog Archive » Leveraging the new Features of CC3+ Update 16 has some more information under "Exclusion Commands".
Thank you! That was the blog archive I was thinking of. I ended up using a drawing tool, but good to know about the FORESTX functionality, this is awesome!