Missing CD3 Styles?
Joe Jerolimo
Hi, I'm new! So, I got the Humble Bundle and installed everything. Didn't seem to have any problems at first. Then I decided to buy CD3, but I started having some issues finding styles and fills I knew I had. I made the mistake of moving some folders around, and ended up having to uninstall and reinstall everything.
Everything seemed to be going fine the second time around, but when I tried to uninstall CD3 I get the error: "could not access network location \System."
I 've tried repairing the install, but I still don't get the bitmap A and B styles that I was using the first go around. If it matters, I'm running Windows 10.
Thanks for any help.
I'm not 100% sure, but I would think that installing the latest CC3+ update (#26 as of this writing) it should fix many things.
Have you tried that as well?
Hi Jerolimoloch :)
It sounds like you have something happening there that might be better sorted out by Tech Support. You can contact them through your account page on the Support tab.
Thanks roflo1, I tried reinstalling the update, but that didn't help.
I'll try Tech Support, thanks Loopysue!